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Profiles: 1xbet best casino website Franklin summary (Carnegie 1xbet best casino website Medal winner)

June 1, 1998. Alana Franklin, 11, is visiting her sister and her nephew, Jahan K. Rimes, in Silver Springs, Florida. A gunman breaks into the first-floor apartment and shoots 1xbet best casino website mother and two other relatives. After the assailant pursues the mother into the bedroom, Alana flees to summon help, and then returns to the apartment, knowing that Jahan is in his bedroom and in immediate danger. She breaks open the window next to 1xbet best casino website bedroom, brushing the blinds aside. Though the gunman stands in the doorway, just facing away from the child, Alana partially enters 1xbet best casino website room, and pulls the boy out of his bed and through the window. She and Jahan run for safety. The assailant realizes too late that they are escaping, and fires at them from the window, narrowly missing both children. Police arrive, and arrest him after a four-hour standoff.


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