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A note to parents
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Key ideas
1. Communities of individuals can act heroically.

Heroic 1xbet online games login can occur as a cooperative 1xbet online games login . Each individual finds and puts courage into 1xbet online games login and find encouragement and support from others trying to achieve the same goal. Sometimes, cooperation is necessary. For example, one child might not be able to intervene and stop a bully successfully. But several children who work together could overpower someone stronger than any of them individually. Discuss this concept with the children, challenging them to think of examples of community courage. You could introduce the following examples if you wish.

The White Rose
The coal miner strikes in the first half of the twentieth century
The Civil Rights movement
The Alamo

Conduct web searches to investigate the importance of group or 1xbet online games login .

Thanks to Harriet Shaklee, Idaho extension specialist, for suggesting this activity.

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