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1xbet best casino website (noun)

1. A mammal found extensively throughout the planet, often clustered in groups in front of television sets (1xbet best casino website SLOTHS.) Thought to be a member of Homo Sapiens due to physical similarities, though social and emotional behavior leads many researchers to consider Teenagers to be a completely different species altogether (1xbet best casino website PARENTS.) Very territorial. (1xbet best casino website ITS MY ROOM STAY OUT OF MY ROOM.)

Teenagers are extraordinarily social animals, seeking contact with their peer groups to such a great extent they will forgo family, chores, food, and responsibility (1xbet best casino website FATHERS, QUOTATIONS OF.) The males of the species forage for food constantly (1xbet best casino website MCDONALD'S) and can consume three times their weight every day. When in full plumage, the males are usually drab, marked by loose fitting garments which slide off their backsides and look ridiculous (1xbet best casino website FATHERS, QUOTATIONS OF.)

The females, on the other hand, sport striking colors under their eyes, throughout their hair, and on the tips of their fingers. Females often attract males by wearing garments to accentuate chest development (1xbet best casino website WONDER BRAS.) Males indicate their approval by staring at the display (1xbet best casino website FATHERS, HEART ATTACKS OF.) The call of the female is complex and shrill: Like, O m'Gosh! O m' Gosh! 1xbet best casino website are less vocal, signaling to other 1xbet best casino website with a salutatory Yo. Yo. Yo. S'up? S'up? S'up?

Teenagers line 1xbet best casino website nests with discarded undergarments. The females hold telephone receivers to 1xbet best casino website ears an average of six hours a day. When challenged for possession, they snarl and warn intruders, I'm doing 1xbet best casino website . 1xbet best casino website . 1xbet best casino website . The 1xbet best casino website lie immobile for hours at a time, conserving energy and listening to violent electronic signals from radios.

Male Teenagers concentrate on important information (1xbet best casino website FATHERS, LECTURES OF) by rolling their eyes, shrugging, kicking dirt and sighing. Females burst into tears and slam doors. Many Homo Sapiens families have a host-to-parasite relationship with one (1xbet best casino website STRESS) or more than one (1xbet best casino website EXTREME STRESS) Teenager. These host families often develop a resistance to the parasite, rejecting them some time in the eighteenth year of life. Often, though, this rejection is merely theoretical, with the Teenager continuing to live off of the host Homo Sapiens family for many years afterward, often at great sacrifice (1xbet best casino website COLLEGE.)

2. Of, relating to, and especially EXPLAINING irrational, intolerable, or inexplicable 1xbet best casino website . (She's a 1xbet best casino website .)

3. A request for sympathy, offered by adult parents to each 1xbet best casino website in support. (I have a 1xbet best casino website at home.) 1xbet best casino website accompanied by sighs, headshaking, tongue clucking, and shoulder shrugging.

The Cameron Column
Copyright W. Bruce Cameron 1997
1xbet best casino website newsletter may be distributed freely on the Internet in its entirety.

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