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spacer1xbet o 1xbet on The 1xbet online games login Letter

Here is the entire text of a 1xbet online games login letter intercepted by a second-grade schoolteacher, passed on to a parent, who passed it on to me:

Dear Billy, if 1xbet online games login dont say 1xbet online games login love me and walk to the bus top with me I will kill myself and beet 1xbet online games login up. I love 1xbet online games login and wan to marry 1xbet online games login soon.

The little girl was eight at the time. The parent showed me the 1xbet online games login at the rehearsal dinner the day before Suzy married Billy. Suzy was twenty-four. During the wedding service, I shared the 1xbet online games login with the guests, and in her vows, had Suzy repeat to me: I, Suzy, promise 1xbet online games login , Billy, never to kill myself or beat 1xbet online games login up.

If the marriage lasts as long as her 1xbet online games login , and her 1xbet online games login is as large as the laughter in the ceremony, the odds are good for a happy ever after.

- a minister, Bellevue, WA.
as told to R.F.

originally from: Kadane on The Sixth Sense - The Sense of Humor list

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