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These bloopers have been written by actual 1xbet best casino website College students. It is truly amazing what happens in 1xbet best casino website stories when they are retold by young scholars of our world.

Moses led the Hebrews to the Red Sea, where they made unleavened bread, which is bread made without any ingredients.

The Egyptians were all drowned in the dessert.

Afterwards, Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the Ten Amendments. The First Commandment is to 1xbet best casino website thy father and mother.

Moses died before he ever reached Canada.

Then Joshua led the Hebrews in the battle of Geritol.

The greatest miracle in the 1xbet best casino website is when Joshua told his son to stand still and he obeyed him.

David was a Hebrew king skilled at playing the liar.

He fought with the Finklesteins, a race of people who lived in Biblical times.

Solomon, one of David's sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.

Originally from Michael L. Browns on The Sixth Sense - The Sense of 1xbet best casino website list.

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