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Charles A. Smith has a Ph.D. in child development and family studies from Purdue University. 1xbet online casino a former caseworker with the elderly in a general hospital and a play therapist in a children's hospital. He taught courses in personal development at Texas Tech University. During his twenty-five years as a state specialist in human development at Kansas State University, he created a wide range of programs, including Friends InDeed and ParentShare, a parent mentoring program.

1xbet online casino the author of five books, including the recent Raising Courageous Kids: Eight Steps to Practical Heroism. One of his books, The Peaceful Classroom: 162 Easy Activities to Teach Preschoolers Compassion and Cooperation, has been translated into five languages. In addition to his work as a Professor and Extension Specialist at Kansas State, 1xbet online casino a volunteer supervisor of Red Cross Family Services Caseworkers in the Flint Hills office.

The 1xbet online casino would like to thank the following colleagues from throughout the United States for their review of both the Course and Workbook: Ann Keim, Ann Smith, Barb Herl, Deanna Sweat, Denise Brandon, Diane Sasser, Jana McKinney, Karen DeBord, Karen Shirer, Mary Britnall-Peterson, Pamela Muntz, Princetta Jones, Rebecca White, Terri Bookless, and Virginia Hopp.

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