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Be clear and precise
Being precise is being accurate and clear in our response to what Friends tell us. Our task at Mobilize is to illuminate fuzzy thinking. For example:

Woman: &1xbet online casino ;Eric (her husband) is dead! I&1xbet online casino ;ll never be happy again!”
Friend: “Your loss is horrible and your hurt feels endless. You can&1xbet online casino ;t imagine being happy without him.”

In this instance, the woman&1xbet online casino ;s friend acknowledges her pain without agreeing 100% to her assertion. She doesn&1xbet online casino ;t say, “Yes, you&1xbet online casino ;ll never be happy again.” Words like never and always are inaccurate and often irrational.

Parading evaluations as facts are another form of thinking that cripples helping. For example, a friend might tell a mother, &1xbet online casino ;Jason is such a bad boy!” This comment is an evaluation, not a fact. A better response would be, &1xbet online casino ;Jason made a bad choice when he smacked his sister.”

When we paraphrase a Friend&1xbet online casino ;s comments, we should be careful to use words that are precise, not vague or irrational.

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