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Two 1xbet online games login Olds: Reassurance

Go to the Caringworks home pageRecently 1xbet online games login son has occasionally talked about being scared at night (animals!). One night we talked about what 1xbet online games login could do if 1xbet online games login felt scared, sad, or lonely: You can think of your mommy and daddy and how 1xbet online games login they love you, and how they will take care of you and help you or You can call us if you get scared.

The next night before bed, I told him how much we loved him, and 1xbet online games login volunteered, So I don't have to be scared! That's right, I 1xbet online games login .

1xbet online games login continued, So if you're SAD.... And I responded, You can think of mommy and daddy and how 1xbet online games login we love you.

1xbet online games login went on, And if you're LONELY.... I 1xbet online games login on, Just think of mommy and daddy.

1xbet online games login paused for a moment, then said, and if you're HUNGRY....
A father

Preschooler: Reassurance

Go to the Caringworks home pageOur four year old daughter, Kim, has had quite a year: A new baby brother; 1xbet online games login older sister's birthday; Grandma died; And several pesky childhood illnesses. 1xbet online games login personality has changed from being outgoing, competitive and couragous to shy, timid and clingy. I've done well for several months but recently I've become tense and short with 1xbet online games login . (I'm getting some extra time to myself for reading, writing and reflection and I'm happily improving.)

Kim is the sweetest little thing and I love 1xbet online games login to pieces. She has reminded me of this through two anecdotes recently that have softened me nearly to tears. We were laying down to snuggle at bedtime and we accidently bonked heads. I apologized and added, I know 1xbet online games login head is hard. 1xbet online games login said, No, 1xbet online games login head is harder . . . and thicker.

Out of the blue she started talking about how much she loves 1xbet online games login aunt, who lives in Missouri, about 12 hours drive from our home. She said, I love 1xbet online games login with my heart -and my thinker.
Carol Feather-Francis

Young Gradeschoolers: Reassurance and affection

Go to the Caringworks home pageWhen my son was about eight years old 1xbet online games login and I were in the car alone on our way to do some shopping. I was feeling discouraged with much of my life at that point and was feeling rather melancholy. I turned to Bill and said, Bill, I'm 1xbet online games login pretty sad today. Bill looked at me serously. Then 1xbet online games login patted my leg and said, Dad, you just gotta have hope. What a guy. Needless to say, 1xbet online games login day brightened considerably.
A father

1xbet online games login Grade Schooler: Courage/Sacrifice

Go to the Caringworks home pageAlana Franklin saved Jahan K. Rimes from assault, Silver Springs, Florida, June 1, 1998. Jahan, 6, was in a bedroom of his family's ground-level apartment after a man armed with a gun broke into the unit and shot Jahan's mother and two other relatives. After the assailant pursued Jahan's mother to the bedroom, Jahan's aunt, Alana, 11, student, fled the apartment to summon assistance. Alana returned to the scene and, knowing that Jahan was in the bedroom, went to one of that room's windows, in the side of the building. 1xbet online games login broke then unlocked the window, opened it, and pushed aside the blind. 1xbet online games login saw Jahan on a bed within reach of the window and the assailant in the doorway. Alana partially entered the room through the window, grasped Jahan, and pulled him outside. As they ran away, the assailant went to the window and fired. A four-hour stand off with police ensued, following which the assailant was arrested. Although wounded, Jahan's mother and the other hostages survived. 1xbet online games login received the CARNEGIE MEDAL awarded for extraordinary heroism in the United States or Canada by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission. 1xbet online games login may be the youngest to earn the award.

Adolescents: Courage/Sacrifice

Go to the Caringworks home pageDuring the night of August 6, 1998 in Hanahan, South Carolina, Layonee R. Phillips had fallen unconscious in 1xbet online games login car. Unfortunately, the car was positioned directly on a railroad crossing and was in the direct path of an approaching train traveling at about 45 m.p.h.. Keith Louis Putnam was a passenger of another vehicle that approached the crossing. He immediately left that vehicle and ran to the stranded car. He grasped Ms. Phillips, pulled 1xbet online games login from the car, and dragged 1xbet online games login to safety. The train bearing down on the crossing, Keith returned to the car, looked inside (thinking another passenger may have been left behind), and turned away. The train then struck the car, which struck Keith, inflicting fatal injury. Keith Louis Putnam was 15 years old. Ms. Phillips was treated at the hospital for minor injuries. 1xbet online games login received the CARNEGIE MEDAL awarded for extraordinary heroism in the United States or Canada by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission.

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