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In Sight of Ourselves: 3. 1xbet sports betting (October 26, 2001)

n. The power of resisting force, attack, strain, or stress; durability; solidity. The 1xbet sports betting 1xbet sports betting 1xbet sports betting in the Old English, strengthu meaning power, force, vigor, moral resistance. This original meaning was not closely associated with physical 1xbet sports betting , a more common use of the word today.

Strength is important part of conscience. Our personal strength enables us to stand up for what we believe is right when the easier path would be to do nothing. Several years ago, I met a small-stature Hispanic woman with a strong heart at one of my meetings. She was a single mother with a 14-year-old girl. After the meeting, she approached me with a question. &1xbet sports betting ;Every night my 14-year-old wants to go out with her friends and stay out very late. But every night I say no. She says horrible things to me night after night. She tells me she would be happier if I let her go.&1xbet sports betting ; She looked away from me for a moment and sighed. Maybe I should let her go.&1xbet sports betting ; I asked her if she knew her daughter's friends. She raised her eyebrows and said she did. &1xbet sports betting ;Are they happy?&1xbet sports betting ; I asked. She looked down. When she looked up again, she was smiling. &1xbet sports betting ;No,&1xbet sports betting ; she said. &1xbet sports betting ;That's right,&1xbet sports betting ; I responded. They do not have someone who loves them enough to stand up to them and insist they follow a good and safe rule. This mother had strength.

In some cases, not doing something is a sign of strength. Jerome Kagan and his colleagues asked 4 ½-year-old children to perform twelve acts. Six were neutral in their moral implications (e.g., make marks on a blank piece of paper), but six were likely to be disapproved by parents (e.g., pour red juice on the table). One request revealed an interesting aspect of strength. The examiner opened a photo album. When she turned to an attractive photo of herself, she handed it to the child and said, &1xbet sports betting ;Tear up my favorite picture.&1xbet sports betting ;

The vast majority of children looked at her, some with anxious downcast faces, and then tore either a small corner of the photo or the entire picture. But ten children (about five percent of the total), looked at the examiner and said, &1xbet sports betting ;no.&1xbet sports betting ; Then they handed the picture back to her without any apparent anxiety. One child added, &1xbet sports betting ;It's your favorite picture.&1xbet sports betting ; These children had the moral strength to act consistent with conviction. They had conformed to other requests by the adult. When asked to tear the photo, however, they refused. They would not do something they believed wrong. While other children wilted under the pressure of adult authority, they were willing to risk disapproval. These young children had strength.

Now, more than ever, we have to find 1xbet sports betting . All of us…. No matter where our families originated: India, Syria, Pakistan, Israel, Africa, Mexico, Europe China, or America, we form a glorious stew of creative spirit and boundless energy. Together, we must find the 1xbet sports betting to face an uncertain future. Our 1xbet sports betting is in our union. Consider the last three letters of the word American. I-C-A-N, I can. We can.

Dag Hammerskjold wrote, &1xbet sports betting ;Life only demands the strength we possess-only one feat is possible….not to have run away.&1xbet sports betting ; Now we must stand… 1xbet sports betting .

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