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In Sight of Ourselves: 2. 1xbet online games login (October 19, 2001)

n. An emotional arousal associated with the use of power to manage a real or imagined threat or injustice. When the threat or injustice is real, 1xbet online games login is a valid and useful emotion. If my child, for example, flushes several handfuls of large rocks down the toilet and blocks my water pipes, then I have the right to feel angry. If someone breaks into my home and threatens my family, then 1xbet online games login becomes an important defensive force. If a terrorist kills my neighbors, near or far, I am justified in feeling angry toward them. In each case, the injustice, the threat is real.

Valid 1xbet online games login has many positive aspects. One of the most important is the energy it provides in overcoming fear to counter the threat. Marge Piercy wrote, "A good 1xbet online games login acted upon is beautiful as lightning and swift with power." 1xbet online games login is similar to fear. Both are a response to threat. When we are afraid, we feel powerless to counter the danger. When we feel angry, we have some confidence in responding to the danger or threat. Fear tends to produce flight; 1xbet online games login fuels opposition. Malcolm X put it this way, "Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change."

Of course, too much 1xbet online games login can make us emotionally blind. 1xbet online games login that boils to rage is dangerous. 1xbet online games login can extinguish the candle of intellect and become self-destructive. Shakespeare wrote, "1xbet online games login 's my meat; I sup upon myself/ And so shall starve with feeding." 1xbet online games login toward an imagined threat or injustice is useless, like burning money to gain its ashes.

1xbet online games login is like fire. It provides energy but requires borders. The key is to feel 1xbet online games login but channel our response in a calculated way. What a difficult task this is. It is so easy to give in to 1xbet online games login , to let go of control and be carried away by rabid fury. Oh it feels so good…. at the moment. 1xbet online games login degenerating into wildfire is a destructive force, consuming all involved. But inside an engine in which it is contained, 1xbet online games login can be a powerful thing.

The feeling of 1xbet online games login is not the same thing as aggression. I can feel angry without spanking. I can feel angry and not act self-destructively. We should be teaching our children that although 1xbet online games login is valid, destructive behavior is unacceptable. For example, a child spits on his father in a moment of rage. The father says, "Don't you dare get angry with me!" Instead, he might say, "You feel angry with me; you are upset. So, tell me how you feel. DO NOT spit on me!" This father affirms the child's emotional experience while simultaneously confronting the child's behavior. 1xbet online games login is given its proper place.

In the face of terrorism, we should feel angry. However, we should use our 1xbet online games login to arouse courage to face these difficult times. Moreover, we should not allow our 1xbet online games login to make us see enemies where there are only neighbors.

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