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In Sight of Ourselves: 11 1xbet online casino (December 28, 2001)

Here it is. A new year, another opportunity for a new year's resolution, another opportunity for disappointment. &1xbet online casino ;This year, I am going to [fill in the blank].&1xbet online casino ; The word resolute has the same origin as the word solution. To make a resolution is to reexamine a problem, break it into parts, and arrive at a solution.

I am not one for talking much about the importance of making New Year's resolutions. After the first few failures of ambition that appeared at this time of year in the past, I resolved to make no more resolutions. As I ponder the meaning of the word, though, 1xbet online casino appears I will be unable to keep that promise as well.

A true resolution is more an intention to act, than to achieve a final goal. Too often, we set an ambitious goal that covers too large a time span. We want to leap from one building to another rather than walk up one flight of steps. Instead of making a goal a resolution, we might be more effective if we found a solution in a commitment to action. Instead of saying, &1xbet online casino ;I'm going to lose &1xbet online casino ;x&1xbet online casino ; amount of weight in one year, it might be better to say, &1xbet online casino ;Tomorrow, I am going to eat healthy and exercise more.&1xbet online casino ; Then tomorrow I could set a new action goal for the following day. After a few more daily resolutions are achieved, I might be ready to take on a weekly resolution.

Here are a 1xbet online casino more ideas for you to consider.

Make sure the 1xbet online casino you promise yourself to take is within your reach. If it is too ambitious, then failure is likely. Discouragement is the biggest obstacle to achievement. If I am having a problem with a child, I have to look at all parts of that problem and decide what part I might be successful at changing.

Focus on an action you take, not someone else's behavior. Far better to promise ourselves, &1xbet online casino ;Tomorrow I will spend at least ten minutes playing with my son when I get home from work,&1xbet online casino ; rather than, &1xbet online casino ;Tomorrow, my son will behave better.&1xbet online casino ;

Be specific. Vague action goals give little direction and provide fewer opportunities for achievement. Saying, &1xbet online casino ;I'm going to be nice to my children&1xbet online casino ; is not as effective as saying, &1xbet online casino ;Tomorrow night, I am going to read them a bedtime story.&1xbet online casino ;

Make resolutions the machinery that serves your priorities. Resolving to keep a room tidy when your family is falling apart is like worrying about how we look when the Titanic is sinking. 1xbet online casino may serve as a momentary distraction, but the bigger, more important problems deserve greater attention.

So on New Year's Eve, I will resolve to take 1xbet online casino on January 1, and just maybe the day after that as well. Sometimes big goals start with baby steps.

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