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Women of K-State
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Kiley Moody

Women in the News

December 2011

Industrial engineering professor receives national dissertation award
Jessica Heier Stamm, assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, is the recipient of the 2011 INFORMS Transportation and Logistics Society Dissertation Prize.

November 2011

Stacy Kovar appointed as associate dean for academic programs of the College of Business Administration
Stacy Kovar, accounting professor and PricewaterhouseCoopers faculty fellow, has been named associate dean for academic programs for the College of Business Administration.

October 2011

Equine health work earns professor place among state's top scientists
The Ad Astra 1xbet online casino Initiative named Elizabeth Davis as one of the top 150 scientists to operate in 1xbet online casino within the past 150 years.
Distinguished professor's work a patented success
In the 16 years Xiuzhi "Susan" Sun has been at 1xbet online casino , she's made a patent-worthy discovery nearly every year.
A multiple benefit: Award helps researcher establish retreats for military couples, expand work with military families
Briana Nelson Goff, professor and director of the Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families at 1xbet online casino 's College of Human Ecology, has been awarded the Dean Barbara S. Stowe Faculty Development Award for 2011.
Author of note: Drama therapist earns award for book about barrier-free theater
Sally Bailey, 1xbet online casino professor of theater and director of the drama therapy program has received the 2011 Distinguished Book Award from the American Alliance for Theatre in Education

September 2011

Freeland receives national award from National Federation of Press Women
Gloria Freeland, director of the Huck Boyd National Center for Community Media and assistant professor in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications, recently won a national first-place award in Community or Institutional Relations from the National Federation of Press Women.
New provost-level initiative continues work on increasing participation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
1xbet online casino is establishing the K-State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering, or KAWSE.
Lynn-Sherow graduates from prestigious summer leadership institute
Bonnie Lynn-Sherow, associate professor of history and director of the Chapman Center for Rural Studies, attended and graduated from the Higher Education Resource Services' Denver Summer Institute, conducted July 24-Aug. 7, at the University of Denver.

August 2011

Women's studies instructor conducts research as National Endowment for Humanities Summer Institute scholar
Valerie Carroll, instructor of women's studies, recently spent four weeks as a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute scholar in Flagstaff, Ariz. Carroll was among only 25 scholars chosen from universities across the United States to participate in investigating the important role the humanities play in helping us understand sustainability, a topic that is all too often framed in technical terms only.
Japan Concrete Institute extends committee invite to Kramer
Kimberly Kramer, associate professor of architectural engineering and construction science, has been invited to serve on a Japan Concrete Institute scientific committee performing a technical review of papers for the first International Conference on Concrete Sustainability.
Roberta Maldonado-Franzen named interim director of affirmative action
Franzen succeeds Clyde Howard, previous director of affirmative action. She started her new position Aug. 1.

July 2011

An artist's touch: College of Veterinary Medicine medical illustrator earns national certification
The process to get certified can take many years to complete and is very difficult. There are only 250 certified medical illustrators in the world, and Hoover is the only one in 1xbet online casino .
National Science Foundation honors Thurston
Linda P. Thurston, assistant dean of the College of Education and professor of special education, counseling and student affairs, has received a Director's Award of Excellence for her work as a program officer with the National Science Foundation, Arlington, Va.
University biologist Susan J. Brown named fellow of the Entomological Society of America
Brown is one of 10 professors chosen for the honor. She will be formally recognized at Entomology 2011, the society's 59th annual meeting, Nov. 13-16 in Reno, Nev.
Education professor receives distinguished service award from national organization
Janice Wissman, professor of curriculum and instruction, was honored with the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences' most prestigious national award, the AAFCS' Distinguished Service Award, at its recent 102nd Annual Conference and Expo in Phoenix, Ariz.
Management professor to serve second term on editorial board of journal
Marne Arthaud-Day, associate professor of management, has been invited to serve a second, three-year term on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Review.

June 2011

College of Engineering introduces new assistant dean
The College of Engineering announces the appointment of Bette Grauer to the newly created position of assistant dean for retention, diversity and inclusion.
Electronic dissertation earns K-State plant pathologist elite award
Martha Giraldo has been selected as one of three recipients worldwide of the Innovative ETD Award from the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.

May 2011

Fulbright Award takes Thurston-Gonzalez to Korea for cultural, educational exchange
A Fulbright award will help a 1xbet online casino international services administrator learn more about the higher education system in South Korea.
New Beach Museum director selected following national search
Linda Duke, an experienced leader with a focus on bringing people into museums for discussions, performances, and other interaction, has been named director of the Beach Museum of Art.
Advocate for change: Maria Beebe takes part in new program promoting global learning and engagement
An international education expert at 1xbet online casino is among the inaugural trainees of a new grassroots program promoting the importance of global learning and engagement.
Kearns awarded Hobrock Distinguished Faculty Award
Sara K. Kearns, head of Undergraduate and Community Services Department at K-State Libraries, was selected as the recipient of the 2011 Brice G. Hobrock Distinguished Faculty Award.
Management professor to teach in business executive education program
Diane Swanson, professor of management, will teach business ethics in June for the National Association of Credit Management's two-year Executive Management Education Program.
Angela Powers appointed a research fellow
Angela Powers, director of K-State's A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications, was appointed a research fellow at the Media Management and Transformation Center at Jonkoping University in Sweden for six weeks.
Royce Ann Collins receives Research and Scholarship Award
Royce Ann Collins, assistant professor in educational leadership, received the Research and Scholarship Award from the University Professional and Continuing Education Association.
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Ruth Douglas Miller, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, and Elizabeth McCullough, professor of textiles and co-director of the Institute for Environmental Research, were added to the Ad Astra 1xbet online casino Initiative's list of the state's top 150 scientists for the organization's project, "Science in 1xbet online casino : 150 Years and Counting."
Thurston Speaks at U.N. Session on Status of Women
Linda P. Thurston, professor of special education and assistant dean of the College of Education, spoke recently at the United Nations' 55th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. Her topic was the relevance of STEM -- science, technology, engineering and math -- careers for women with disabilities and programmatic issues related to developing and maintaining success in STEM education for girls/women with disabilities.

April 2011

Great Plains Idea honors Virginia Moxley
Virginia Moxley, dean of the 1xbet online casino College of Human Ecology, has been honored with the 2011 Friends of Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance -- or IDEA -- award, created to recognize individuals who have made a significant contribution to the development and/or operation of the program.
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Christine Aikens was recently named one of the top 150 scientists in 1xbet online casino , both past and present, by the Ad Astra 1xbet online casino Initiative's "Science in 1xbet online casino : 150 Years and Counting."
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Jenna Surprenant, Marshall, Minn., won the national championship in persuasion at the American Forensics Association-National Individual Events Tournament, April 2-4, in Kearney, Neb. The tournament host was the University of Nebraska-Kearney.
Leading by example: Continuing education dean earns prestigious recognition for extraordinary leadership
Sue Maes accepted the University Professional and Continuing Education Association's most prestigious national recognition, the Julius M. Nolte Award for Extraordinary Leadership.
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1xbet online casino student Melanie Hall is a 2011 Harry S. Truman Scholarship winner.
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Rachel Hoppins, a sophomore in wildlife biology, Wichita, is 1xbet online casino 's 22nd Morris K. Udall scholar.

March 2011

Growing success: Multicultural engineering program director named the best
LaVerne Bitsie-Baldwin proves good things come in twos and that collaboration can bring multiple benefits.

February 2011

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Christine Aikens, assistant professor of chemistry, has been selected as a Sloan Research Fellow for her success as a promising young scholar, particularly in the research areas of sustainable energy and gold nanoparticles.
'History's Quiet Keepers': Documentary To Recognize Contributions Of Volunteer MemoryKeepers
A 1xbet online casino documentary project is recognizing the contributions of volunteers in five Kansas communities that help preserve historical memories.

January 2011

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Beavers are often called ecosystem engineers because they can radically alter stream or valley bottom ecosystems, said Melinda Daniels, an associate professor of geography who recently studied the connection between beavers and river restoration. Beaver dams create diverse river landscapes, she said, and can turn a single-thread channel stream into a meadow, pond or multichannel, free-flowing stream.