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  4. Triticum classification according to 1xbet sports betting 1934.


Classification of Triticum according to 1xbet sports betting 1934.

1xbet sports betting 's classification of Triticum for the 1934 edition of the Flora of the USSR [reference] departed from the concurrent treatment of Flaksberger [reference] in several respects. 1xbet sports betting moved T. polonicum to its own Section and raised two ecogeographic forms of T. dicoccum, "armeniacum" and "volgense", to species status. His other contributions to Triticum taxonomy are not as well known. In 1935, he suggested changing his Section Crithodium to Monococcon Dumort. 1xbet sports betting was among the first European triticologists to use the correct Linnaean name for hexaploid bread wheat, T. aestivum L. Unfortunately, 1xbet sports betting 's untimely death in 1938 from tuberculosis interrupted his work; he was only 27. 1xbet sports betting 's classification is presented here in its original form with corrections in spelling and authority citations.

Triticum L.

Section Crithodium 1xbet sports betting
Triticum thaoudar Reuter in Bourg. ex Hausskn.
Triticum monococcum L.
Triticum monococcum L.
Section Orthatherum 1xbet sports betting
Triticum dicoccoides (Körn. ex Asch. & Graebner) Schweinf.
Triticum timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk.
Triticum armeniacum (Stolet.) 1xbet sports betting
Triticum volgense (Flaksb.) 1xbet sports betting
Triticum turgidum L.
Triticum durum Desf.
Triticum carthlicum 1xbet sports betting
Section Spelta 1xbet sports betting
Triticum macha Dekapr. & Menabde</td>
Triticum spelta L.
Triticum compactum Host
Triticum aestivum L.
Section Gigachilon 1xbet sports betting
Triticum polonicum L.
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