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Kansas State University
Department of Plant Pathology

4024 Throckmorton
1712 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66506-5502
785-532-5692 fax

Wheat Genetics Resource Center
Kansas Wheat Innovation Center

1990 Kimball Ave
Manhattan, KS 66502


Suggested chemicals: Nick Translation Kit,Enzo DiagnosticsCat. No. 42803.

Biotin labeling of plasmid or genomic 1xbet sports betting

    1. Prepare the following hybridization mixture.
dNTP (including biotin-11-dUTP
5 µL
plasmid or genomic 1xbet sports betting
1 µg
1xbet sports betting polymerase I
5 µL
Dnase I
X µL
Deionized or distilled water
Y µL
Total 1xbet sports betting volume (use H2O to adjust the total volume to 20 µL)
50 µL
  1. Incubate the reaction 1xbet sports betting in a water bath at 14-15°C for 2 h.
  2. Stop the 1xbet sports betting by adding 5 µl stop buffer.

The most critical part of the labeling, if the DNA is clean, is the size of the final nick-translation product. The best ISH results are obtained when the size of the biotin-labeled 1xbet sports betting is around 300-600 bp. To determine the size of the 1xbet sports betting , denature 15 µL of the nick-translation product in boiling water for 4 min, cool on ice immediately, and electrophorese the sample on a minigel with a DNA size marker. The size of the nick-translation product can be adjusted by adding a different amount of DNase I to the reaction solution. Random-primer labeling also can be used for biotin labeling, however the size of the 1xbet sports betting is relatively easier to control by nick translation.

Purification of the biotin-labeled 1xbet sports betting

  1. 20 min before the end of the nick-translation incubation, plug the bottom of a 11xbet sports betting tuberculin syringe with siliconized glass wool.
  2. Fill the 1xbet sports betting to the top with Sephadex G-50 using a sterilized pasteur pipette.
  3. Place the Sephadex-filled syringe into a 15-mL Corex 1xbet sports betting and centrifuge at 1,500 rpm for 4 min to pack down the Sephadex.
  4. Repeat the previous two steps until the packed Sephadex column has a total volume of about 0.9 mL.
  5. Wash the colum twice with 55 µL TE by spinning at 1,500 rpm for 4 1xbet sports betting each.
  6. Place a sterilized 1.5-mL tube on the bottom of the 15-mL Corex tube and insert the packed and washed syringe into the Corex tube in such a way that the tip of the syringe fits into the 1.5-mL tube. Load the nick translation product (55 µL with stop buffer) and spin at 1,500 rpm for 4 min. The 1xbet sports betting is collected in the 1.5-mL tube.

The final volume of 1xbet sports betting should be close to 55 µL. Usually, 5 µL of such a biotin-labeled 1xbet sports betting (1 µg/55 µL = 18 ng/µL) is enough for one slide, and the 1xbet sports betting can be used to process 100 slides. The size of the 1xbet sports betting can be checked by electrophoresis on a minigel, either before or after the spin-colum purification. The 1xbet sports betting can be stored in a freezer for several years.