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Kansas State University
Department of Plant Pathology

4024 Throckmorton
1712 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66506-5502
785-532-5692 fax

Wheat Genetics Resource Center
Kansas Wheat Innovation Center

1990 Kimball Ave
Manhattan, KS 66502


The following protocol describes the standard C-banding protocol routinely used in our laboratory that gives consistant results for most plant species.

    1. Germinate seeds in petri dishes on moist filter paper for 3–4 days.
    2. Collect root tips when 1.5–2.5-cm long and pretreat with 0.05% colchicine for 3 h at room temperature. The colchicine pretreatment results in a lower mitotic index compared with ice 1xbet best casino website pretreatment but give better chromosome morphology and band contrast.
    3. Fix in1xbet bestfor at least 1 h, but complete metaphase spreads are more easily obtained when the material is stored in fixative 1xbet best casino website for a longer time (2 weeks to several months) at 4°C. For meiotic chromosomes, fix anthers that are at the appropriate stage of division without pretreatment in Carnoy's I.
    4. Make squash preparations in 45% acetic acid; a 2–3-1xbet best casino website pretreatment with 45% acetic acid before squashing softens the tissue and makes squashing easier. If possible, remove the very tip of the root with a razor blade, squeeze the meristematic tissue out with a scalpel, and squash using only gentle heat. Check quality of preparations under phase contrast.
    5. Remove cover slips by placing on dry ice until frozen.
    6. Immediately place 1xbet best casino website in 99% ethanol. 1xbet best casino website should be kept in ethanol overnight, and the staining procedure continued the next day.
    7. Air dry the 1xbet best casino website for several minutes.
    8. Incubate 1xbet best casino website for 1 min in 0.2 N HCl in a water bath at 60°C. The time and temperature of the treatment is critical for good contrast. Prepare a 2 N HCl stock solution, which is 86 mL concentrated HCl per 500 mL distilled water. This solution can be stored for several months and should be diluted 1:9 before use to obtain a 0.2 N treatment solution.
    9. Wash briefly in distilled 1xbet best casino website .
    10. Incubate the 1xbet best casino website for 7 min in a saturated Ba(OH)2at room 1xbet best casino website . Prepare a saturated Ba(OH)21xbet best casino website in distilled water, stir for 30 min at room temperature, and filter before use. This 1xbet best casino website needs to be prepared fresh each time.
    11. Wash briefly in distilled 1xbet best casino website .
    12. Incubate 1xbet best casino website for 30 min in 2 X SSC in a water bath at 60°C.
20 X SSC stock 1xbet best casino website
88.2 g
sodium chloride
175.3 g
distilled 1xbet best casino website
to 1 L
    1. Move 1xbet best casino website directly from 2 X SSC into the staining solution, which is a 10% solution of Giemsa stain (BDH, Giemsa's stain improved R66 solution 'Gurr', stock #35086 4X (from Gallard-Schlesinger Industries, Inc; Carle Place, NY 800-645-0344) in Soerensen phosphate buffer, pH 7.2. Begin with a low Giemsa concentration and control the staining under the microscope. If necessary, add more Giemsa stain. Staining time will vary (10–45 min) between different cells on the same slide and also between different 1xbet best casino website . 1xbet best casino website should be individually checked every few minutes for best contrast. A staining time of about 30 min is optimal.
Soerensen's buffer
Part Asodium phosphate dibasic (Na2HOP4)9.47 g / L H2O 58 mL
Part Bpotassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)9.07 g / L H2O
42 mL
  1. Dip the 1xbet best casino website in distilled water to rinse and air dry.
  2. For permanent 1xbet best casino website , soak in xylene and mount in Permount. Most 1xbet best casino website can be stored for several years without loss of contrast. However, destaing may occur, so analyzing and recording banding patterns immedially after mounting is recommended.
  3. Microphotographs should be taken with a high-resolution film such as Kodak Imagelink HQ microfilm 1461 or Kodak Technical Pan film 2415.