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Kansas State University
Department of Plant Pathology

4024 Throckmorton
1712 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66506-5502
785-532-5692 fax

Wheat Genetics Resource Center
Kansas Wheat Innovation Center

1990 Kimball Ave
Manhattan, KS 66502

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Aceto-orcein preparation (1% solution)

Orcein is extracted from two species of lichens,Rocella tinctoriaandLecanora parella. Orcein also is available in a synthetic form, but the natural form is preferred for chromosome analysis, because it gives better contrast. Orcein is used in form of a 1% solution in 45% acetic acid. This solution is prepared by pouring 55 mL boiling glacial acetic acid over 1 g orcein powder. The solution is cooled, 45 mL of distilled water added, and filtered. This solution is unstable and should be prepared fresh before use.

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1xbet sports betting does not require the addition of iron ions. The staining prodedure is similar to the aceto-carmine method. Fixed material is transferred for an approprioate time to 1% aceto-orcein and then analyzed by the squash technique.

Chromosome squash technique

Drain off the fixative and place the roots in 1% acetocarmine for 1 to 3 h. Heat until the acetocarmine begins to boil. Cut off the root cap with a razor blade and squeeze the meristematic tissue out with a lancet needle. Add a drop of acetocarmine or 45% acetic acid. Place a razor blade (double-edged) to one side and add a cover slip. Tap the cover slip gently with the needle end of a probe. Slide the razor blade out and heat to a point just below boiling (steam will form beneath the slide). Then, quickly squash with thumb or forefinger between two layers of filter paper. Be careful to not move the cover slip at this point.