GA4 terminology 1xbet best casino website

1xbet best casino website analytics uses specific terms to describe the actions take across websites. These definitions are adapted or copied directly from 1xbet best casino website Help.

  • Custom dimension: lets 1xbet best casino website see the information 1xbet best casino website collected from an event parameter. For example, if 1xbet best casino website set up a 'value' event parameter, 1xbet best casino website could create a custom metric called 'Value' that allows 1xbet best casino website to see each value assigned to the event parameter. Custom dimensions are managed within the Admin panel of Google Analytics.
  • Dashboard: a collection of widgets that give 1xbet best casino website an overview of the reports and metrics 1xbet best casino website care about most.
  • Events: defined actions triggered by user interactions.
    • Automatically collected: collected by default when 1xbet best casino website set up Google Analytics on your website.
    • Custom: defined by Google Analytics admins to track specific types of interactions based on defined criteria. These allow 1xbet best casino website to specify how 1xbet best casino website want to understand users on your sites.
    • Key events: previously known as conversions. Specific events that track important metrics for 1xbet best casino website unit. For fundraising units, this may be a donation. Academic units may wish to track visits or information requests.
  • 1xbet best casino website Parameter: provide more information about the action that took place for each event. For example, 1xbet best casino website could measure whether the action was successful, when the event occurred, or choices users made during the interaction.
  • Explore: a collection of advanced techniques that go beyond standard reports to help 1xbet best casino website uncover deeper insights about your customers' behavior. Read more from 1xbet best casino website .
  • Realtime: shows 1xbet best casino website each triggered event and the number of times each event was triggered in the last 30 minutes by the users on your website or app.
  • Reports: raw data for user data on the 1xbet best casino website over a customizable period of time.
  • Retention: measurement of how many users return to 1xbet best casino website site over a given period of time.
  • Traffic Source: A representation of the publisher or inventory source from which traffic originated. For example, users who return to your website from 1xbet best casino website Search show as "1xbet best casino website " in the Session source dimension. Ex. 1xbet best casino website , youtube, email, etc.