recognition 1xbet online casino

Due to organizational restructuring, Division of Academic Success 1xbet online casino recognition is being reevaluated and will be updated soon. Please refer back to this webpage frequently for additional information.

2023-2024 Awardees

Dean of Students Outstanding graduating 1xbet online

Since 1999, the Outstanding Graduating Senior Award has been presented by the Dean of Students to graduating seniors who are nominated by staff in the Division of Academic Success 1xbet online casino . The nominations open early in the spring semester. The nominees must be strong leaders who have made outstanding contributions to academic success 1xbet online casino during their K-State career. The award recipients receive an engraved plaque at the Outstanding Graduating Senior Awards reception in the Spring, to which family, friends, supporters, staff, and faculty are invited.

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Dr. Susan Ariola Bosco putting 1xbet sports betting

The Dr. Susan Ariola Bosco Putting Students First Award is presented to one full-time teaching faculty member and one full-time staff member who works in the Division of Academic Success 1xbet online casino . All department heads, faculty, staff and students are welcomed to nominate a deserving candidate for these awards. Award recipients are selected by an awards committee made up of staff members in the Division of Academic Success 1xbet online casino and representation from the Bosco Family. The award recipients will receive a plaque and be recognized at the annual Outstanding Graduating Senior Awards reception.

Dr. Susan Ariola Bos

Past awards

Prior to restructuring, the Division of Student Life and Office of Student Success recognized staff for their work and dedication. View past awards and previous recipients.