Our mission 1xbet online sports betting

This 1xbet online sports betting is formed to serve as a body which articulates University Support Staff's interests, concerns, and recommendations to the Vice President for Administration and Finance on matters of policy, training, and educational opportunities; as well as representing the constituency of University-wide standing and ad-hoc committees, and for searches for key administrative positions directly affecting University Support Staff personnel. Other charges involve recommendations on working conditions and work schedules; employment, promotion, and career development procedures; pay and benefit plans; and the dissemination of information to all university support staff. This 1xbet online sports betting exists as an open forum for the free expression of ideas, issues, and interests which are of concern to the KSU University Support Staff. It is the privilege and duty of this 1xbet online sports betting to communicate these ideas to the KSU Administration. The 1xbet online sports betting may also interact with other university support staff, the Kansas Board of Regents, other regent's institutions, the university community and the government of the state of Kansas, on matters of all University Support Staff.

University Support Staff 1xbet online sports betting Code and By-Laws

Revised 03-14-18


The Kansas State University (hereinafter referred to as "K-State") University Support Staff 1xbet online sports betting is hereby established to promote University Support Staff Employee participation in issues concerning K-State, and to provide representation at the university and state levels for said employees.


The name of this organization shall be the University Support Staff 1xbet online sports betting (hereinafter referred to as "1xbet online sports betting ") of K-State.


This 1xbet online sports betting is formed to serve as a representative body, which articulates University Support Staff Employees' interests, concerns, and recommendations to the Vice President for Administration and Finance on matters of policy, training, and educational opportunities. Other charges involve recommendations on working conditions and work schedules; employment, promotion, and career development procedures; pay and benefit plans; and the dissemination of information to all University Support Staff Employees. This 1xbet online sports betting exists as an open forum for the free expression of ideas, issues, and interests, which are of concern to K-State University Support Staff Employees. This 1xbet online sports betting will represent the constituency on university standing and ad-hoc committees, and on search committees for key administrative positions. The 1xbet online sports betting may also interact with other University Support Staff Employees, the Kansas Board of Regents, other Regents' institutions, the university community, and the government of the State of Kansas, on matters of interest of all University Support Staff Employees.


All permanent full-time and part-time University Support Staff Employees of K-State shall constitute the Electorate of the 1xbet online sports betting (hereinafter referred to as "Electorate"). Any member of the Electorate shall have the right to vote for the candidate(s) for senator to represent his/her college or administrative unit, and to vote in any or all other elections held in connection with 1xbet online sports betting activities as provided by this Constitution.

ARTICLE IV. 1xbet online sports betting ELIGIBILITY

Eligibility for election to the 1xbet online sports betting shall be extended to permanent full-time members of the Electorate as defined in Article III above. Should a Senator accept an unclassified position, he/she becomes ineligible to serve as a University Support Staff Senator. If a Senator transfers to another college or administrative unit, they may carry out the remainder of that 1xbet online sports betting year (June 1- May 31), with the understanding that at that time they must resign their 1xbet online sports betting position. If a position is vacant in their new college or administrative unit, they may run for the vacancy through normal election procedures. Anyone filling a vacancy will only complete the remaining term for that college or administrative unit created by the vacancy.

ARTICLE V. COMPOSITION OF THE 1xbet online sports betting

Section 1. Number

The 1xbet online sports betting shall be composed of twenty-six (26) Senators chosen by the Electorate as provided by this code.

Section 2. Representation

The twenty-six (26) Senators, each having one vote in the 1xbet online sports betting , shall be elected in direct proportion to the number of permanent University Support Staff Employees in their designated college or administrative unit.

In the event that low 1xbet online sports betting numbers prove inadequate to meet the target of twenty-six (26) Senators, At-Large Senator designations can be used to fill these vacancies. These At-Large Senators shall be drawn from the general 1xbet online sports betting population, and whose representative responsibilities shall be both general in nature, as well as acting as the advocate Senator for any current unrepresented 1xbet online sports betting . The number of At-Large Senators shall not cause the total Senator count to exceed 26.

Every two years the apportionment 1xbet online sports betting reviewed to ensure equal representation in conjunction with reviewing by-laws. The criteria is as follows:

  • Less than 100 filled 1xbet online sports betting positions = 1 Senator
  • 101-200 filled 1xbet online sports betting positions = 2 Senators
  • 201-300 filled 1xbet online sports betting positions = 3 Senators
  • 301-400 filled 1xbet online sports betting positions = 4 Senators
  • 401-500 filled 1xbet online sports betting positions = 5 Senators
  • 501-600 filled 1xbet online sports betting positions = 6 Senators

Section 3. Designated Colleges and Central Administrative Units

  • Colleges:
  • Agriculture and Extension- 4 1xbet online sports betting
  • Architecture, Planning & Design- 1 Senator
  • Arts and Sciences- 1 Senator
  • Business- 1 Senator
  • Education- 1 Senator
  • Engineering- 1 Senator
  • Hale Library- 1 Senator
  • Human Ecology- 1 Senator
  • K-State Polytechnic - 1 Senator
  • Veterinary Medicine- 2 1xbet online sports betting
  • Administrative Units:
  • Administration and Finance- 4 1xbet online sports betting (with at least one from Facilities)
  • Vice-President for Student Life and Dean of Students - 6 1xbet online sports betting (with at least one from Housing & Dining)
  • Local Agencies - 1 Senator
  • President/Provost - 1 Senator

Administration and Finance includes: Budget Office, Division of Facilities, Financial Services, Public Safety, and Vice President's Office of Administration & Finance

Vice-President for Student Life includes: Admissions, Career and Employment Services, Child Development Center, Counseling Services, Education/Personal Development, Housing and Dining Services, Lafene Health Center, New Student Services, Registrar's Office, Student Financial Assistance, Student Life, 1xbet online sports betting Printing, and Vice President's Office for Student Life/Dean of Students

Local Agencies includes: Intercollegiate Athletics, Inc., K-State Alumni Association, K-State Foundation, K-State Student Union, and Student Publications

Office of the President and Provost includes: Beach Museum of Art, Global Campus, Human Capital Services, Information Technology Services, McCain Auditorium, Regents Education Community Center, Research & Graduate School, Research/Vice Provost, 1xbet online sports betting Attorney, and Vice President Communications and Marketing

Section 4. Election Procedures for 1xbet online sports betting

This election process will be under the direction of the 1xbet online sports betting Governmental Affairs Committee as provided in Article VIII, Section 2, taking into account any reductions or additions required during reapportionment years. Those persons receiving the most votes in the elective process are considered duly elected to represent the constituency. If for any reason the individual receiving the most votes declines his/her elective office, the next individual receiving the most votes will be contacted to serve. Ties will be settled by the flip of a coin. If only one nomination is received for a college or administrative unit vacancy, that person will be duly elected.


During the month of February an initial mailing shall be sent to all permanent full-time University Support Staff Employees from each specific college or administrative unit where a position is to be filled explaining the 1xbet online sports betting 's purpose and nominating process. Nominations shall be accepted by signature of the nominee. Nomination forms will be sent out February 1 with nominations being accepted through February 20. Eligibility of all nominations returned shall be verified by a combination of the Governmental Affairs Committee and Human Resources. In the event insufficient candidates have been nominated for the vacancies, the Governmental Affairs Committee will solicit nominations from College Deans and Administrative Heads.


The Governmental Affairs Committee will email the ballots to the 1xbet online sports betting Employees in the college or administrative unit and nominees will be numbered in alphabetical order. Voting shall be from March 1 to March 15. The ballot shall contain a list of all the candidates.

Late Response(s)

Nomination forms are due to the designated location on February 20 and ballots are due to the designated location on March 15. Any nomination forms/ballots arriving after that date shall be judged late and 1xbet online sports betting not be considered. The Governmental Affairs Committee is not responsible for late arrivals via any source.

Verification of Election

Once voting has closed, the Governmental Affairs Co-Chair(s), the Ex Officio, and one (1) member of the Governmental Affairs Committee will print the results of the election. The results 1xbet online sports betting given to the President so that the results can be published. The results can be contested for thirty (30) days, after which the results 1xbet online sports betting official. The President will keep the results to fill any vacancy that should occur. After the next election of said Senators (three (3) years), the results shall be destroyed.

Section 5. Filling of 1xbet online sports betting Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy, the person receiving the next most number of votes 1xbet online sports betting contacted to serve. If they decline, the vacancy shall be filled by the President within 30 days’ notice of vacancy.


Section 1. Term of Office

The term of office shall be three (3) years, beginning with the first regularly scheduled meeting in June, with one third of the 1xbet online sports betting elected each year in order to ensure overlapping terms, and ending with May 31st of the third year. A Senator may hold no more than two (2) consecutive terms of office and cannot be elected or appointed for at least one year.

Section 2. Meetings, Quorums

The 1xbet online sports betting shall meet once monthly at a time and place specified by the 1xbet online sports betting Executive Council. Special meetings may be called by the President with the consent of a majority of the Executive Council or by petition of a majority of Senators. The quorum for 1xbet online sports betting meetings shall be one over half (14) of those positions filled.

Section 3. Duties

The 1xbet online sports betting may address any matter of concern to University Support Staff Employees noted in Article II.


The Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one At-Large Representative shall be voted upon and elected at the April meeting. The Ex-Officio position shall be the past President. The election of Officers will fall under the auspices of the Governmental Affairs Committee. A nominating committee will be appointed by the Governmental Affairs Committee Chair(s) comprised of the President, Vice-President and one senator going off the 1xbet online sports betting chosen at random. Nominees will be selected by the nominating committee and contacted to verify their willingness to serve and shall have completed at least one year on 1xbet online sports betting to be eligible for an elected position. A slate of officers will be presented to the 1xbet online sports betting at the April meeting. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at this time. A written ballot will be distributed to each Senator present. Senators must self-identify on the ballot according to the open meetings act. Ballots will be turned in and tallied by the nominating committee before the end of the meeting. The new officers will be announced before the April meeting is adjourned. The University Affairs and Communications Chair(s), Governmental Affairs Chair(s), and Recognition Ceremony Chair(s) will be appointed by the incoming President in June and will be expected to serve on Executive Council.

Should an Elected Officer accept an unclassified position or he/she becomes ineligible to serve for another reason, the USS 1xbet online sports betting will hold a special election the following month to fill the vacant officer position – the same as noted in Article VII. The exception being the Vice President cannot be from the same office as the President.


Section 1. President

The term of President is one year and is automatically filled by the position of Vice-President. The President will preside over 1xbet online sports betting meetings and events; attend University Support Staff Council meetings and university legislative briefings at K-State plus participate in Legislative Day. The President will attend the Kansas University Support Staff Council meetings and Legislative Day, unless schedule conflicts arise, in which case the Vice-President or another Executive Council member will attend. At least one member of the Executive Council must attend these annual events. In the President's absence, the Vice-President will serve as the office representative.

Section 2. Vice-President

The Vice-President shall serve a one year term and shall have completed at least one year on 1xbet online sports betting to be eligible for an elected position. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will serve as the official representative and preside over any other meetings, or any other meetings/events the President is unable to attend.

Section 3. Ex- Officio

The position of Ex-Officio 1xbet online sports betting a one year term to be served by the immediate past President with no voting privileges unless they are a currently elected Senator. This position will serve as the official representative and preside over any other meetings or events in which the President or Vice President are unable to attend.

Section 4. Secretary

The Secretary shall record and distribute minutes of all meetings of the 1xbet online sports betting , record official attendance and shall carry on official correspondence as directed by the 1xbet online sports betting .

Section 5. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall collaborate with the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance pertaining to all 1xbet online sports betting budget matters and provide necessary reports to the 1xbet online sports betting concerning all financial issues. The Treasurer shall also serve as the Chair of the University Support Staff Opportunity Fund.

Section 6. At-Large Representative

One (1) At-Large Representative shall be voted on in April with the election of the Executive Council. A representative must have completed one year on the 1xbet online sports betting before becoming an At-Large Representative. The representative will attend the Executive Council meetings.

Section 7. Parliamentarian

One (1) Parliamentarian will be selected to serve as an interpreter of the rules at 1xbet online sports betting meetings, when requested by the Chair, using Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised.


The 1xbet online sports betting shall have an Executive Council that consists of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, At-Large Representative, and Ex-Officio. Chair or Co-chairs of the University Affairs and Communications, Governmental Affairs, and Recognition Ceremony Committees shall also attend Executive Council meetings.

ARTICLE X. 1xbet online sports betting COMMITTEES

Section 1. 1xbet online sports betting Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs

The University Affairs and Communications Chair(s), Governmental Affairs Chair(s), and Recognition Ceremony Chair(s) will be appointed by the incoming President in June and will be expected to serve on Executive Council as non-voting members. The 1xbet online sports betting shall have the following standing committees listed below which will be encouraged to meet monthly; each Senator must be a member of at least one of the committees.

Section 2. 1xbet online sports betting Affairs:

This committee is charged with investigating issues that affect University Support Staff Employees in any way, reporting on these issues and making recommendations to the 1xbet online sports betting and the university President or designee when appropriate. The committee will be the liaison between 1xbet online sports betting and campus administration as these issues are explored. This committee is in charge of the University Support Staff 1xbet online sports betting booth at the Human Resources Benefits Expo held in October at the K-State Union. This committee is charged with organizing the Fall and Spring Open Forums allowing K-State University Support Staff to ask questions of the University Administration.

Section 3. Communications 1xbet online sports betting :

A primary objective of this committee is to keep K-State University Support Staff Employees informed of issues that affect K-State University Support Staff. In addition, this committee will publicize University Support Staff 1xbet online sports betting activities, both internally and externally, by promoting knowledge and information through different venues. The committee is responsible for maintaining and updating the 1xbet online sports betting web pages and publishing the 1xbet online sports betting newsletter, the ROAR, on a quarterly basis. The committee is also responsible for getting information out about University Support Staff 1xbet online sports betting to K-State Today.

Section 4. Governmental Affairs 1xbet online sports betting :

This committee is charged with developing the Position Paper per the needs of the 1xbet online sports betting Employees. The Governmental Affairs Committee meets with the Kansas Board of Regents 1xbet online sports betting Council to coordinate and finalize a "unified" version of the Kansas Board of Regents 1xbet online sports betting Council Position Paper each fiscal year. The committee is to monitor legislative bills and committee hearings that may impact 1xbet online sports betting Employees and inform Senators on the progress of legislative action. The committee is to co-organize university legislative forums on the K-State Campus, to hear current issues in the Legislature, to present 1xbet online sports betting issues to legislators and have an organized question/answer session.

Section 5. Recognition Ceremony 1xbet online sports betting :

This committee is charged with the planning and executing of the annual 1xbet online sports betting Employees Recognition Ceremony in the spring of every year. This is to include, but not limited to: securing a guest speaker, reserving the facility, arranging the refreshments, collecting door prizes, securing awards for the retirees, years of service, and employees of the year, drafting the program, contacting distinguished guests to attend, sending out nomination letters for Employee of the Year, contacting Printing Services to print the program, sending out information to 1xbet online sports betting Employees about the ceremony, and double checking awards for accuracy. The committee also is responsible for reviewing the nomination process for Employee of the Year.

Section 6. Other Committees:

The 1xbet online sports betting may create additional special committees to address any matter of concern to the 1xbet online sports betting .

Membership on some special committees may come in the form of a request to the 1xbet online sports betting from Central Administration. The President of the 1xbet online sports betting will appoint a person or persons as the need arises.


All regular meetings shall be open to the public and times and location will be posted on the 1xbet online sports betting website. All University Support Staff Employees and their guests are encouraged to attend 1xbet online sports betting meetings.

ARTICLE XII. 1xbet online sports betting BY-LAWS

Where necessary to ensure the orderly and proper function of the 1xbet online sports betting , regulations to accompany this constitution may be proposed by a Senator(s) at any 1xbet online sports betting meeting and passed upon affirmative vote by one vote over half (14) of the voting membership. Changes to the Code and By-Laws will be noted by date in the Revisions Section. The By-Laws will be reviewed every two years by the Governmental Affairs Committee for necessary updates and revisions (to be reviewed and completed by the end of the 1xbet online sports betting year May 31 ending in even numbered years).

ARTICLE XIII. ATTENDANCE OF 1xbet online sports betting

Senators should be present for the entirety of the regular monthly meetings. A maximum of three (3) unexcused absences will be allowed per 1xbet online sports betting year (June 1 - May 31). A Senator will be notified in writing and shall have fifteen (15) workdays to make a written appeal to the Executive Council regarding absences. The Executive Council shall resolve the appeal at the next regular Executive Council meeting. Upon review of the appeal, the Senator could be removed from University Support Staff 1xbet online sports betting . If a Senator will be absent, it is recommended that a representative from the same college or unit be sent in his/her place. However, this representative will not have voting rights.


Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, shall govern the conduct of procedures of 1xbet online sports betting meetings. 1xbet online sports betting special rules can be established.


Any Senator may propose amendments to the Code or the By-laws. The amendment shall be considered adopted if approved by one vote over half (14) of filled 1xbet online sports betting positions.

Any Senator may propose suspensions of the By-laws. The suspension 1xbet online sports betting considered adopted if it is approved by a simple majority of the quorum. Suspensions must be approved for each occurrence.