Events and announcements 1xbet online casino

1xbet online casino Meetings

Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the location designated below:

  • September 11, 2024 - Union Cottonwood Room
  • October 9, 2024 - Union Room 206
  • November 13, 2024 - To Be Determined
  • December 11, 2024 - Union Cottonwood Room
  • January 8, 2025 - Union Cottonwood Room
  • February 12, 2025 - Union Cottonwood Room
  • March 12, 2025 - Union Room 207
  • April 9, 2025 - Union Cottonwood Room
  • May 14, 2025 - Union Cottonwood Room
  • June 11, 2025 - Union Room 206
  • July 9, 2025 - Union Cottonwood Room

Meetings may also be attended virtually via Zoom: (Meeting ID: 972 3121 1339, Passcode: 666576)

To view the approved minutes of previous meetings, visit 2012-2024 Approved minutes 1xbet

Executive Council meets at noon prior to the monthly Senate meeting. Senate committees meet at 12:30 p.m. prior to the monthly Senate meeting.

Benefits Fair

To help navigate the process of benefits open enrollment, K-State Human Resources hosts a fair every October. Health insurance, life insurance and supplemental benefit providers are in attendance to answer any questions. In addition, State Employee Health Plan representatives, financial contractors and retirement partners offer in-person and virtual presentations throughout the day.

USS Open Forum

All university support staff are encouraged to attend USS Open Forums, held every fall and spring. It is an opportunity to communicate directly with President Linton and other campus leaders. Previous open forums can be watched on our communications 1xbet.

University Support Staff Recognition Ceremony

University Support Staff who have reached 5,15, 25, 35, and 45+ years of service during the previous calendar year are recognized during the annual USS Recognition Ceremony. In addition, Awards of Excellence and Meritorious Service Awards are presented and retirees are recognized. The ceremony is held every spring.