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Award Winners for Calendar Year 2021

(Awarded in May 2022)

Award of Excellence:

  • 1xbet online games login and Clerical: Kallie Kolterman - Mail Specialist, Division of Facilities.
  • Service and Maintenance/Skilled Crafts: Jesica Sellers- Maintenance and Repair Technician. 1xbet online games login Libraries.
  • Technical and Professional: David Anderson - University Police Officer, 1xbet online games login Police Department.
  • Belonging: Margarita (Margo) Gomez -1xbet online games login Specialist III, Lafene Counseling and Psychological Services.

Award of Excellence Nominees:

Teresa Baughman, Cole Dierking, Pam Evans, Nathaniel Harstine, Pam Hedman, Brenda Miesner, Jared Mills, Matt Niedfeldt

Meritorious Service Awards:

  • Peter Nelson, Physics

  • Anna Salas, Management

  • William D R Bowles, 1xbet online games login University Police

  • Vicky Geyer, Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering

  • Eric Hoffpauir, Recruitment & Admissions

  • Gina Jackson, Interior Design & Fashion

  • Mary Oborny, Kinesiology

  • Jesica Sellers, 1xbet online games login Libraries

  • Kim Coy, Physics

Award Winners for Calendar Year 2020

(Awarded in April 2021)

Award of Excellence:

  • 1xbet online games login and Clerical: Rebecca (Becky) Marsh - Admissions Officer, 1xbet online games login of Recruitment and Admissions.
  • Service and Maintenance/Skilled Crafts: Brent Kolterman - HVAC Technician, Division of Facilities.
  • Technical and Professional: Justin Shank - IT Support Specialist I, Division of Facilities, Campus Planning and Project Management.
  • Belonging: No nominations received.

Meritorious Service Awards:

  • Sandy Bolin, Facilities Custodial Services

  • Eva Peterson, Kansas Forest Services

Award Winners for Calendar Year 2019

(Awarded in April 2020)

Award of Excellence:

  • 1xbet online games login and Clerical: Candace LaBerge - 1xbet online games login Specialist II, Faculty Senate, Provost 1xbet online games login .
  • Service and Maintenance/Skilled Crafts: Thad Pultz - Maintenance and Repair Technician II, 1xbet online games login Housing and Dining Services (HDS)
  • Technical and Professional: Ray Boller - Radiation Safety Technician, Environmental Health and Safety.
  • Belonging: Carrie Fink - Student Programs Coordinator, 1xbet online games login of the Registrar.

Meritorious Service Awards:

  • Cindy McNulty, Administrative Support Center

  • Hallie Alaniz, Student Life

  • Jill Serrault, Polytechnic Facilities

  • Cynthia Harris, 1xbet online games login Libraries

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