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Letter from President Wefald


TO: Provost, Vice Presidents, Deans, Department Heads, and Unit Directors

FROM: Jon Wefald, President

RE: 1xbet online casino Access for All--Tool Kit

DATE: December 10, 2001

As one of the most wired campuses in the country, Kansas State University recognizes the important role that the Internet plays in education, work, and citizen participation in a democracy. To take the next step forward, we must do our part by making K-State's official 1xbet online casino sites accessible to all. Over the next few months, all units of the campus will be working to implement accessible designs for 1xbet online casino pages.

As most of you know, K-State is required by Federal law under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to provide access to its programs and services to all qualified individuals. Other federal legislation requires K-State to construct new buildings with wheelchair access. Moreover, K-State should develop new official 1xbet online casino sites that provide access to persons who use the 1xbet online casino through screen readers, can not hear audio content, or are unable to use a mouse. In accordance with the State of Kansas 1xbet online casino Accessibility Requirements, all new official 1xbet online casino sites must be accessible. For existing official 1xbet online casino sites, the final date for compliance is March 31, 2002. Official sites include all departmental, college, and administrative units.

This 1xbet online casino Access for All tool kit has been developed by the University 1xbet online casino Accessibility Committee to assist the 1xbet online casino developers in your units. The tool kit contains a set of guidelines, a 1xbet online casino accessibility brochure, a resources and tools bookmark, and a campus training schedule. In addition, the Information Technology Assistance Center (iTAC) is prepared to provide training to faculty and staff without charge. You may also wish to visit the K-State 1xbet online casino Content Accessibility 1xbet online casino Site at http://www.ksu.edu/tools/1xbet online casino . This site contains a definition of 1xbet online casino , provides an overview of our legal responsibilities, and links to numerous resources, tools, and several on-line tutorials.

With your help, we will meet the goal of 1xbet online casino access for all.

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