1xbet online casino /today/students K-State Today Student Edition is a daily email providing K-State students a single source of timely K-State announcements. Category: Personnel changes en-us Tue, 23 Sep 2014 +0000 http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss K-Publisher 1xbet online casino /today/students/announcement/?id=98354 Following a national search this summer, Craig Schroeder, Ph.D., has been hired as the inaugural executive director of applied learning, effective Sept. 15. leadership@k-state.edu (Staley School of Leadership) Wed, 04 Sep 2024 +0000 Personnel changes 1xbet online casino /media/newsreleases/2024-08/Cadenhead-to-lead-KState-Salina-enrollment-management.html Kansas State University Salina has selected Christal Cadenhead as its new executive director of enrollment management. Cadenhead will work to improve access to learners at all levels as a part of the Next-Gen K-State strategic plan. media@k-state.edu (Division of Communications and Marketing) Wed, 21 Aug 2024 +0000 Personnel changes 1xbet online casino /today/students/announcement/?id=97134 Heather Woods, associate professor in the A.Q. Miller School of Media and Communication, has been named director of the school after serving as interim director since November 2023. marcia@k-state.edu (Marcia Locke) Fri, 10 May 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Woods named director of A.Q. Miller School of Media and Communication 1xbet online casino /today/students/announcement/?id=97048 Debbie Hagenmaier, interim director of the program development and management unit at K-State Global Campus, will retire on May 25 after 23 years of service to the university. susanheim@k-state.edu (Susan Heim) Thu, 09 May 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Hagenmaier to retire from Global Campus on May 25 1xbet online casino /today/students/announcement/?id=97089 After 26 years with K-State, Maria Beebe is retiring from her position as associate director of International Student and Scholar Services. oip@k-state.edu (Office of International Programs) Thu, 09 May 2024 +0000 Personnel changes 1xbet online casino /today/students/announcement/?id=96934 The Fraternity and Sorority Life Office announces a new staff hire, Margaret Tippie, and staff promotion, Alexandria Wilson. dhawks@k-state.edu (Dee Hawks) Fri, 03 May 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Fraternity and Sorority Life personnel updates 1xbet online casino /today/students/announcement/?id=96154 Phillip Payne, associate director for the School of Music, Theatre and Dance, will be the new associate dean of the Graduate School. Payne will begin his new position part time in June and will transition to full time in July. msellman@k-state.edu (Michael Sellman) Fri, 05 Apr 2024 +0000 Personnel changes 1xbet online casino /today/students/announcement/?id=96081 The Division of Academic Success and Student Affairs' Academic and Career Engagement unit announces Ashley Blake as the inaugural advisor training administrator. morgangreene@ksu.edu (Morgan Greene) Thu, 04 Apr 2024 +0000 Personnel changes 1xbet online casino /today/students/announcement/?id=96005 Powercat Financial recently selected 15 new peer financial counselors to continue expanding its support of students’ financial well-being. shegriff@ksu.edu (Shelley Griffin) Wed, 03 Apr 2024 +0000 Personnel changes 1xbet online casino https://union.k-state.edu/news/2024/03/27/union-announces-new-assistant-finance-dirctor-of-busness-management Kurt Ohlenbusch has been selected as the assistant finance director of business management for the K-State Student Union. jdmaxwel@k-state.edu (Jessica Maxwell) Fri, 29 Mar 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Union announces new assistant finance director of business management 1xbet online casino https://union.k-state.edu/news/2024/03/27/union-announces-new-assistant-dirctor-of-retail-services John Kessler has been selected as the assistant director of retail services for the K-State Student Union. jdmaxwel@ksu.edu (Jessica Maxwell) Thu, 28 Mar 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Union announces new assistant director of retail services 1xbet online casino /about/news/2024/march/associate-dean-named.html Darrin Smith, Ph.D., has been named the associate dean of faculty, research and administration of Kansas State University Olathe, effective June 9.  bethjones@k-state.edu (Beth Jones) Tue, 19 Mar 2024 +0000 Personnel changes