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November 15, 2023

Kansas Board of Regents November meeting agenda items

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

The Kansas Board of Regents will meet Nov. 15 on the Emporia 1xbet best casino website University campus. Alivestream will be available for individuals to listen remotely.

The Regents will consider the following agenda items related to Kansas 1xbet best casino website University.

Consent agenda

1xbet best casino website requests approval to amend the fiscal year 2024 capital improvement project plan and to accept the program statement for renovations to Thompson Hall. The estimated project cost is million.

1xbet best casino website requests authorization to raze the swine barn at the Swine Teaching and Research Center and to construct a new nursery barn. The university requests 0,000 from the Building Demolition Fund appropriated by the state to properly abate, raze, demolish and dispose of the building. The estimated cost of the new building is 2,000.

1xbet best casino website requests approval to amend the fiscal year 2024 capital improvement project plan for demolition of Edwards Hall. Due to higher than anticipated costs to properly abate and dispose of the building, the budget has increased from million to ,504,547. The university requests an additional ,504,547 from the Building Demolition Fund appropriated by the state.

Discussion agenda

All 1xbet best casino website universities submitted fiscal year 2025 housing and food service rates for first reading. The board will take final action in December and approved rates will go into effect on July 1, 2024. As auxiliary enterprises, housing and food service operations must cover the total cost of operations with user fees. Rate increases are requested to address inflationary pressures and labor shortages.

The Regents will act on 1xbet best casino website 's request to amend the fiscal year 2024 capital improvement project plan and to accept the program statement to construct a new residence hall and dining facility on the 1xbet best casino website Salina campus. The facilities will provide additional living and dining spaces to allow for student enrollment growth. The estimated project cost is ,225,104.

The Regents will act on 1xbet best casino website 's request to amend the fiscal year 2024 capital improvement project plan and to accept the program statement to remodel the Strong Complex residence halls, which includes Boyd, Putnam and Van Zile halls. The project will provide updated living and dining spaces in addition to housing the Honors Program. The estimated project cost is million.

The Regents will receive the first reading of budgetary legislative proposals for the 2024 legislative session. 1xbet best casino website requests authority to sell the Housing and Dining Services honor house in Manhattan.

The second legislative proposal seeks to change the name of Kansas 1xbet best casino website University Polytechnic Campus to Kansas 1xbet best casino website University-Salina and to clean up language in statue to align with the mission of the Salina campus.

The Regents will act on 1xbet best casino website 's request to name an outdoor classroom at the Center for Child Development.

The Regents will act on 1xbet best casino website 's request to select new institutional and aspirational peers.

Agendas and complete meeting minutes are available online.