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  4. »Highlights from the April 12 Faculty 1xbet online casino meeting

K-State Today

1xbet online casino 19, 2016

Highlights from the April 12 Faculty 1xbet online casino meeting

Submitted by Faculty 1xbet online casino

Guest: Vice President Cheryl Johnson visited with 1xbet online casino senators about the recent activities of Human Capital Services and also gave an overview of the Total Rewards initiative.

Consent agenda:

  • President-elect Andy Bennett 1xbet online casino the consent agenda, which was approved. It included course and curriculum changes from the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Human Ecology and Technology and Aviation.

Standing committee and Student 1xbet online casino reports:

  • Academic Affairs: Sen. Teresa Hartman 1xbet online casino the new interdisciplinary doctoral program in leadership communication, which was approved. It will now go to the Kansas Board of Regents for final approval.
  • 1xbet online casino Affairs: Sens. Betsy Cauble and Mindy Markham presented proposed changes to Section C of the University Handbook for a first reading. They encouraged senators to review the material in preparation for a vote at the May meeting.
  • Professional Staff Affairs, PSA: Sen. Mary Anne Andrews reported that the committee met with Human Capital Services at their last 1xbet online casino and discussed the Total Rewards initiative as well as various other topics related to professional staff.
  • FSCOT: Sen. Don Crawford 1xbet online casino the annual Data Access report for information and Sen. Lisa Crawford-Craft spoke regarding the other informational item, the Web Content Accessibility Report. Sen. Crawford also reported that FSCOT met with Rob Caffey, interim CIO,at their last meeting.
  • FSCOUP:Past President Rintoul, on behalf of Sen. Spencer Wood, reported that FSCOUP met with Gary Leitnaker at their last 1xbet online casino and discussed the draft furlough policy. Committee members will share this with their constituents and provide comments for their follow-up 1xbet online casino with Leitnaker in May.
  • Student 1xbet online casino : Sen. Kurt Lockwood reported that the new student 1xbet online casino was sworn in on April 7and the new speaker for Student 1xbet online casino will be announced on April 14. President Guzek presented certificates of appreciation to Sens. Lockwood, Hurtig and Tinker for their service on Faculty 1xbet online casino this year.


  • Faculty 1xbet online casino elections are complete and the results were provided to senators.

Discussion period for 1xbet online casino

  • Sen. Finkeldei reported, in relation to the Web Content Accessibility Report, that their unit is looking into the cost and feasibility of having a center created, staffed by student employees, which would allow 1xbet online casino to submit videos to be transcribed and returned to them. He will keep senators apprised of any progress on this.

Previous minutes are available on the Faculty 1xbet online casino website as they are approved.

Fred Guzek
Faculty 1xbet online casino President
Salina Arts, Science, and Business
Kansas State University
104A Tech Center
Salina, KS 67401