1xbet best casino website /today K-State Today is a daily email providing faculty and staff a single source of timely K-State announcements. Category: Personnel changes en-us Mon, 09 Sep 2024 +0000 http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss K-Publisher 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=98354 Following a national search this summer, Craig Schroeder, Ph.D., has been hired as the inaugural executive director of applied learning, effective Sept. 15. leadership@k-state.edu (Staley School of Leadership) Wed, 04 Sep 2024 +0000 Personnel changes 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=98222 Stacy Harris is the newest member of Engineering Extension's Kansas Energy Program. Harris will conduct energy education programs for Kansas K-12 schools. dcarter@k-state.edu (David Carter) Wed, 28 Aug 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Stacy Harris joins Engineering Extension's Kansas Energy Program 1xbet best casino website /media/newsreleases/2024-08/Cadenhead-to-lead-KState-Salina-enrollment-management.html Kansas State University Salina has selected Christal Cadenhead as its new executive director of enrollment management. Cadenhead will work to improve access to learners at all levels as a part of the Next-Gen K-State strategic plan. media@k-state.edu (Division of Communications and Marketing) Wed, 21 Aug 2024 +0000 Personnel changes 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=98048 Christopher Jones, holder of the Civil Engineering Alumni Professorship Honoring Dr. Robert Snell and professor at Kansas State University, has been named head of the civil engineering department. grantg@k-state.edu (Grant Guggisberg) Mon, 19 Aug 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Jones named civil engineering department head 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=97875 After a national search, the College of Arts and Sciences has named K-State alumna Paige Altwegg as its academic recruitment coordinator, effective Aug. 4. marcia@k-state.edu (Marcia Locke) Wed, 07 Aug 2024 +0000 Personnel changes College of Arts and Sciences names Altwegg as academic recruitment coordinator 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=97863 Adrienne Tucker has been appointed the director of parking and transportation following a nationwide search, and she will assume the role on Sept. 2. Tucker will be responsible for shaping the future of parking, mobility, transit and transportation. doucette@k-state.edu (Division of Facilities) Mon, 05 Aug 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Tucker named director of parking and transportation 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=97808 After nearly 17 years with K-State, Sara Thurston, director of International Student and Scholar Services, is leaving. Stacey Bailey will serve as acting director. bjlippma@k-state.edu (Office of International Programs) Mon, 29 Jul 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Sara Thurston to leave in August for Northwestern University 1xbet best casino website https://union.k-state.edu/news/2024/07/18/union-selects-brent-freeman-as-new-executive-director The K-State Student Union has selected Brent Freeman as the new executive director. Freeman will assume all position duties on July 29. jdmaxwel@k-state.edu (Jessica Maxwell) Mon, 22 Jul 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Union selects Brent Freeman as new executive director 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=97752 Ben Stark has been appointed assistant dean for infrastructure and faculty support in the College of Arts and Sciences, effective June 11. Stark has served as interim dean for research and facilities since March 2023. marcia@ksu.edu (Marcia Locke) Fri, 19 Jul 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Ben Stark appointed assistant dean for infrastructure and faculty support in College of Arts and Sciences 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=97753 Following a nationwide search, Kim LeCompte has been appointed assistant vice president of HR talent strategy and engagement. hr@k-state.edu (Human Resources) Fri, 19 Jul 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Kim LeCompte named assistant vice president for HR talent strategy and engagement 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=97731 Nathan Vickers joined NACADA as associate director for NACADA Consulting. A long-time member and leader within the association, Vickers brings two decades of experience, most recently at the Univeristy of Texas-Austin, to this newly created position. patrices@k-state.edu (Patrice Scott) Wed, 17 Jul 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Vickers to lead NACADA Consulting service 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=97659 After a national search, the Division of Academic Success and Student Affairs has named Pete Loganbill as the learning assistant coordinator for K-State First. mbjv@k-state.edu (Mariya Vaughan) Mon, 15 Jul 2024 +0000 Personnel changes Loganbill hired as learning assistant coordinator for K-State First