1xbet best casino website /today K-State Today is a daily email providing faculty and staff a single source of timely K-State announcements. Category: Communications and Marketing en-us Tue, 07 Oct 2014 +0000 http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss K-Publisher 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=16981 In addition to becoming more instantaneous in our communications habits, our society continues to be more visually oriented. One of the more popular social media programs with our students is Instagram, which reflects both of these trends. jbmorris@k-state.edu (Jeff Morris, vice president communications and marketing) Mon, 17 Nov 2014 +0000 Communications and Marketing 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=17509 The drum line has developed a special routine, which debuted at the Texas football game. A "making of" video of this performance was posted on the K-State Facebook page on Jan. 5. Within 24 hours, the video topped 50,000 views. jbmorris@k-state.edu (Jeff Morris) Mon, 12 Jan 2015 +0000 Communications and Marketing Monday Marketing Minute: Band goes viral 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=19515 Every day, new technology is introduced that gives communicators new ways to share information. Augmented reality blends digital content into our real world and physical lives. vpcm@k-state.edu (Jeff Morris) Mon, 13 Apr 2015 +0000 Communications and Marketing 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=20500 The Division of Communications and Marketing needs faculty/staff volunteers for participation in a series of usability studies throughout the month of June to evaluate the effectiveness of the university home page. mwebaza@k-state.edu (Naomi Mwebaza) Mon, 01 Jun 2015 +0000 Communications and Marketing 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=21041 The KSU Foundation communications department is hosting the webcast Campaign Communications: Focusing on Impact, presented by Academic Impressions from noon to 1:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 17, in Town Hall at the Leadership Studies Building. marisal@found.ksu.edu (Marisa Larson) Thu, 30 Jul 2015 +0000 Communications and Marketing 1xbet best casino website http://www.k-state.edu/media/newsreleases/aug15/poverty8315.html Elaine Johannes, associate professor of family studies and human services, discusses the significance of the Kids Count Report. News and Communications Services looks for university experts who are willing to speak to media about current news topics. vpcm@k-state.edu (Communications and Marketing) Mon, 03 Aug 2015 +0000 Communications and Marketing 1xbet best casino website /today/announcement/?id=17098 The recent shooting incident at Florida State University serves as a troubling reminder that the unthinkable can happen anywhere. There are steps each of us can take to help ensure the safety of our university community. jbmorris@k-state.edu (Jeff Morris, vice president for communications and marketing) Mon, 01 Dec 2014 +0000 Communications and Marketing