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  4. »President Richard Myers issues guidance to 1xbet online sports betting on returning to campus communities...

K-State Today Special Issue

March 13, 2020

President Richard Myers issues guidance to 1xbet online sports betting on returning to campus communities

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

Dear K-State 1xbet online sports betting :

The coronavirus disease(COVID-19)is rapidly spreading. There is now community spread in Kansas, and we currently have students, faculty and staff returning from all over the world. At 1xbet online sports betting time, our greatest tool to fight the spread of the coronavirus is social distancingfrom large gatherings. 1xbet online sports betting is the reason we chose to delay the return from spring break and turn to remote teaching options, and why nationally you have seen the cancellations of major sporting events and conferences.

With that in mind, it is strongly encouraged that domestic 1xbet online sports betting remain at or travel to their permanent place of residence and not return to the Manhattan or Salina areas. If you have a chronic medical condition or are ill at 1xbet online sports betting time, 1xbet online sports betting is an even stronger recommendation for your own well-beingand the well-being of others.We understand that returning to a permanent home may not be possible for international students, who should contact the Office of International Programs with questions.

People returning 1xbet online sports betting certain locations (CDC level 3 countries and above) will be subject to a 14-day quarantine.Quarantine requires those people to remain separated from all others by at least 6 feet. 1xbet online sports betting does not mean that those under quarantine cannot leave their homes, but they should remain alone and not visit places other people congregate. Primarily, 1xbet online sports betting would be something like taking a walk. That said, 1xbet online sports betting is a rapidly evolving situation and more countries and possibly even domestic areas could be added to the quarantine list.

1xbet online sports betting , by and large, are at low risk for serious complications related to the virus, it's the people around you who areput at risk if you return to the area.The risk of death from 1xbet online sports betting illness starts to increaseat age 50 and is about 15% at the age of 80. 1xbet online sports betting risk is also higher in those with chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease.Our health care workers are on the front line in 1xbet online sports betting pandemic, and from what we've seen in other places, our local medical facilities may be easily overwhelmed.

Social isolation strategies only work to curtail the spread of COVID-19 if everyone commits to adhering to recommendations given.If you choose to congregate with groups of 1xbet online sports betting , you are putting both yourself and others at risk.Please do not come back to our campus towns simply to attend popular social events, such as the upcoming Fake Patty's day.

Again, we are committed to continuing your education through remote methods.These are unprecedented times and we all need to do our part. We will get through 1xbet online sports betting together.


Richard B. Myers


In 1xbet online sports betting issue

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