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  4. »Canvas: Announcements and Discussions redesign

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506
1xbet online sports betting

July 22, 2024

Canvas: Announcements and Discussions redesign

Submitted by Division of Information Technology

Canvas Announcements and Discussions havebeenupdatedwith a 1xbet online sports betting design andexperienceforthe fall semester. The redesign includes an updated user interface and 1xbet online sports betting features:

  • Version history for edited posts: Instructors 1xbet online sports betting view the version history for post edits.
  • Inline and Split Screen views: Users 1xbet online sports betting choose between two views to read replies. The Inline view displays all replies on the main topic page and 1xbet online sports betting expand or collapse nested replies. The Split Screen view shows all replies to the initial post in a sidebar.
  • Sort threads: Users 1xbet online sports betting sort replies from newest to oldest or oldest to newest. Sorting is based on the most recent response.
  • @mentions: Users 1xbet online sports betting mention other users by typing @ and selecting the name from a list. Mentioned users receive a notification.
  • Quote reply: When replying, users 1xbet online sports betting quote the original post in their replies.
  • Role labels: Role labels appear beside or beneath names for teachers, TAs and 1xbet online sports betting roles. If a student created the topic, the label "author" appears next to the creator's name.
  • Anonymous discussion topics: Discussion topics 1xbet online sports betting be set to partially anonymous — students 1xbet online sports betting opt to hide or show their name and profile pictures — or fully anonymous.
  • Report inappropriate messages: A new Report option allows 1xbet online sports betting to notify the teacher when they encounter inappropriate, offensive, or abusive messages.
  • Improved search: Easier to search by highlighting.

1xbet online sports betting Canvas knowledge base to learn more about using Announcements and Discussions. Watch this video and 1xbet online sports betting redesign PDF to learn more about the Discussions redesign. If you need help with the changes, contact the IT Service Desk.