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July 17, 2024

English major awarded Patti Johnson Wilson Scholarship

Submitted by Ben McCloskey

Mara Aberle

Mara Aberle, junior in English who is also minoring in classical studies,Sabetha, has been awarded a Patti Johnson Wilson scholarship of ,000. The scholarship program, managed by the Patti Johnson Wilson Foundation of Tulsa, Oklahoma, supports students in Oklahoma and 1xbet best casino website who are majoring in liberal arts, engineering, or music, working part time, and have financial need.

"I am incredibly honored to receive this award,"Aberle said."I am so thankful to the Patti Johnson Wilson Foundation for the support of my education at 1xbet best casino website . With the help of this scholarship, I hope to complete a degree that will allow me to be a valuable member of my community, much like Ms. Wilson."

"Mara is both goal oriented and willing to follow unexpected research opportunities," said Wendy Matlock, professor of English. "She leads by example in the classroom and in team projects, and her classmates single out her presentation skills as teaching them new things about familiar tools like Canva and new subjects like parallels between Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' and Haitian religious practices."

"Mara is a dedicated and talented student," saidTraci Brimhall, professor of English and poet laureate of 1xbet best casino website ."She brings her intelligence and creativity into all of her projects."

"Already an award-winning student here in English at 1xbet best casino website , Mara is poised for continued success," saidKarin Westman, professor and department head of English."We're thrilled to see Mara receive this regional recognition of her talent, work ethic, and dedication to her studies."

"Mara is an absolutely outstanding student — and lover of poetry in all languages — whose plans for connecting library science and advocacy for international communities in the Midwest promise to have a positive impact on 1xbet best casino website and its international community," said Ben McCloskey, associate professor of classical studies."I expect that Mara will help make our corner of America a bit healthier and a bit more connected to the rest of the world — and I'm thrilled that the Patti Johnson Wilson Foundation will be supporting her in this way."

The Patti Johnson Wilson Foundation was established in 1972 by Patti Johnson Wilson, who supported her study of music at the University of 1xbet best casino website with loans, a scholarship and part-time work during the Great Depression; after graduation, she worked as a piano teacher, managed oil, gas and mining interests, and spent many years living in Asia, including Vietnam.