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K-State Today

May 31, 2024

1xbet online games login

Submitted by the Office of the Vice President for Research

The Office of the Vice President for Research announces the recipients of the 2024 1xbet online games login Program.

The funding supports innovative research in all aspects of global food systems, especially projects that promote job creation and economic development in the state of 1xbet online games login , are interdisciplinary, engage graduate or undergraduate students, and partner with 1xbet online games login -based industry.

Awardees and their project titles:

  • Michael Chao, animal sciences and industry; Yoonseong Park, entomology; and Priscilla Brenes, food, nutrition, dietetics and health, "Cultivating Awareness and Resilience Against Alpha-Gal Syndrome (AGS) in Rural 1xbet online games login ," 9,968.
  • Nicholas Dias, animal sciences and 1xbet online games login ; Shih-Kang Fan, mechanical and nuclear engineering; and Adam Bassett, clinical sciences, "Improving Beef Cattle Reproduction by Enhancing Post-thaw Sperm Quality and Fertility with Microfluidic Sorting of Fresh Bovine Ejaculate," 0,000.
  • Allan Fritz, agronomy, and Daniel O'Brien, agricultural economics, "Increasing wheat protein/gluten extraction: Building the foundation for long-term success of a 1xbet online games login -based industry," 0,000.
  • Nellie Hill-Sullins, communications and ag education; Cheryl Boyer, horticulture and natural resources; and Rachel Mui, management, "Encouraging Agritourism Business Expansion in 1xbet online games login ," 2,697.
  • Gaurav Jha, agronomy; Ignacio Ciampitti, agronomy; and Susan Metzger, 1xbet online games login Water Institute, "Advancing 1xbet online games login On-Farm Water Stewardship by AI-Driven Precision Irrigation Technologies," 9,530.
  • Mithila Jugulam, agronomy; Terry Felderhoff, agronomy; and Sarah Sexton-Bowser, agronomy, "Genotypic Characterization and Introgression of Triketone Herbicide-Tolerant Trait in Grain Sorghum," 9,740.
  • Phillip Lancaster, clinical sciences; and Billy Brown, animal sciences and 1xbet online games login , "Enhancing dairy production economics and beef sustainability by improving gut health of beef-dairy cross calves," 9,888.
  • Davood Pourkargar, chemical engineering; and Sajid Alavi, grain science and industry, "A Physics-Informed Machine Learning-Based Predictive Modeling Framework to Enhance Efficiency, Sustainability, and Resilience for 1xbet online games login ," 9,739.
  • Yong-Cheng Shi, grain science and industry; Hulya Dogan, grain science and industry; and Weiqun Wang, 1xbet online games login , nutrition, dietetics and health, "Developing Healthy Foods with High Dietary Fiber and Resistant Starch," 8,300.
  • Teng Yang, applied and interdisciplinary studies; Manreet Bhullar, horticulture and natural resources; and Eleni Pliakoni, horticulture and natural resources, "Repurposing Food Waste for Sustainable Hydroponic Vegetable Production in 1xbet online games login ," 9,112.