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K-State Today

May 1, 2024

Office of 1xbet online sports betting Development announces spring Faculty Development Awards and University Small 1xbet online sports betting Grants

Submitted by Kate Kennedy

Please join the Office of 1xbet online sports betting Development in congratulating the faculty members who have received spring 2024 Faculty Development Awards and University Small 1xbet online sports betting Grants.

Eleven Faculty 1xbet online sports betting Award proposals were awarded funds totaling ,149.

The spring 2024Faculty 1xbet online sports betting Awards awardees are:

  • Kevin Bernstein, art, "Wings and Flutters, The CICA Museum, International Solo Exhibition South Korea," ,500.
  • Marcellus Caldas, geography and geospatial sciences, "5th Open Science Meeting "Pathways to Sustainable and Just Land Systems" Global Land Program. Title: The Effects of Wildfires on Farmer's Conservation Land Management Decisions in the Southern Great Plains. Dates: Nov. 4 to 8, 2024. Location: Oaxaca, Mexico," ,216.
  • David Defries, history, "International Medieval Congress, Globalism and Early Medieval Flanders: A Round Table Discussion, 3 July 2024, Leeds, UK," ,575.
  • Maria DePaoli, modern languages, "From the Realm of Fortune to Devil Between the Legs: the Importance of Colloquialism in Paz Alicia Garciadiego's Writing Process." "16th Annual Screenwriting 1xbet online sports betting Network International Conference. Conversation Beyond the Script. Sept. 11-14. Palacky University. Olomouc, Czech Republic," ,575.
  • Loretta Johnson, biology, "Attendance at International Botanical Congress, TalkTitle Perennial Grass Ecotypes Ecological and Genetic Response to Home and Away Microbial Inocula is Ecotype-specific, July 21-27, Madrid Spain," ,746.
  • Holly Loncarich, management, "Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 18-22," ,500.
  • Benjamin McCloskey, modern languages, "International Xenophon Society Triennial Conference; 'Xenophon's Personification of Nations; the Lessons of Cyrus' Empire.' Nov. 7-9, Buenos Aires, Argentina," ,500.
  • Alyssa Morris, music, theatre and dance, "World Premiere Performances at the 2024 International Double Reed Convention by Alyssa Morris: Oboist and Composer," ,146.
  • Philip Payne, music, theatre and dance, "36th ISME World Conference in Helsinki, Finland from July 28-Aug. 2," ,500.
  • Madhav Sharma, management, "KIN Summer School 2024 — Trusting and Working with Robots in healthcare: Design considerations for AI enabled robots in healthcare June 30-July 3, Amsterdam, Netherlands," ,391.
  • Shirley Tung, English, "Travel to Oxford, U.K. from Dec. 10, 2024, until Jan. 7, 2025, for three interrelated academic purposes," ,500

Ten University Small 1xbet online sports betting Grant proposals will receive funds totaling ,618.

The spring 2024 awardees are:

  • Andie Faber, modern languages, "Analyzing Instructional Materials' Support of Equity and Autonomy in Intermediate Spanish classes in the Great Plains Region," ,250.
  • Julio Henandez Pavon, psychological sciences, "Investigating the Impact of TMS Parameters on Brain Connectivity," ,500.
  • Samuel Ladwig, interior architecture and industrial design, "Top-Stitch: Exploring the Intricacies of Sewing for Upholstery," ,048.
  • Allison Louthan, biology, "Bison Impacts on Plant Communities in a Changing Climate," ,500.
  • Nancy Morrow, art, "Nature Col/ab Seed Funding: Support for Collection Management System, Student Hourly Assistance, Display Cases, 30 Scanner Turntable, Microscope CMOS Camera with Reduction Lens, and Magnifying Lamp," ,500.
  • Craig Parker, music, theatre and dance, "1xbet online sports betting at the UCLA Department of Special Collections on 'Igor Stravinsky at the Ojal Music Festival'," ,602.
  • Brian Peterson, horticulture and natural resources, "Backcountry Aircraft Tracking and Noise Impacts at Cimarron National Grassland," ,500.
  • David Pickering, music, theatre and dance, "Posture at the Organ: Gateway to Increased Musical Freedom," ,048.
  • David Rehfeld, applied human sciences, "Enhancing Communication Support for Children with Complex Communication Needs: A Collaborative Training Approach for Paraprofessionals," ,151.
  • Kathrin Schrick, biology, "Diurnal Transcriptional Networks Controlling Seed Oil Biosynthesis at Single-Cell Resolution," ,500.

Faculty Development Awards and University Small 1xbet online sports betting Grants are awarded each fall and spring by the Office of the Vice President for 1xbet online sports betting through the Office of 1xbet online sports betting Development.

Faculty Development Awards support travel expenses to present 1xbet online sports betting , scholarly or creative work, or a performance at an international meeting or to visit an external funder or sponsor. University Small 1xbet online sports betting Grants are seed grants to support small 1xbet online sports betting projects, scholarly activity and other creative efforts. Both programs are meant to catalyze a faculty member's RSCAD career success. As such, new faculty and faculty from disciplines with minimal outside support are given priority for both awards, as are trips or projects that enhance awardees' abilities to compete for extramural funding. All proposals are peer-reviewed and discussed in a panel. Unsuccessful applicants are given feedback on how to improve their proposals.

TheFaculty Development Award and University Small 1xbet online sports betting Grantreviewers were Mary Lou Marino, Office of 1xbet online sports betting Development; Ramasamy Sakthivel, Office of 1xbet online sports betting Development; Gina Becker, Office of 1xbet online sports betting Development; Philip Nel, English; Jacqueline Aenlle, media and communications; Nancy Muturi, media and communications; Derek Hillard, modern languages; Natalia Cernicchiaro, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology; Hugh Cassidy, economics; and Jessica Canfield, landscape architecture. The contributions of the reviewers are highly appreciated.