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April 23, 2024

College of Business Administration announces spring faculty and staff 1xbet best casino website

Submitted by Ruthie Gergeni

From left: Terry Mason, Ashley West, Tori Surdu and Tracey Lee.

College of Business Administration Edgerley Family Dean Kevin Gwinner recently announced the recipients of the college's spring 2024 1xbet best casino website , as recommended by the College of Business Administration, or CBA, Recognition and 1xbet best casino website Committee.

Ashley West, assistant professor of accounting, is the recipient of the CBA Developing Scholar Award. Her nomination states, "Ashley has been very successful in contributing to the research in her discipline. In the past two years, 1xbet best casino website has worked on five papers that have been accepted in strong journals in the field of accounting, along with one book chapter. Of the journal articles, two are first author papers both published in well-respected journals. In addition, Dr. West has engaged more broadly in research by serving as a reviewer for multiple journals and academic conferences. With several research projects recently published or accepted and a strong research pipeline already in place, Ashley West is well qualified to be the recipient of the 2024 CBA Developing Scholar Award."

Victoria "Tori" Surdu, academic advisor in the Office of Student Success, received many recommendations for the 2024 Excellence in Advising Award. Her nomination states, "Not only is she recognized for taking on the highest student advising load at the university for advisors in similar positions, but she consistently receives high scores in overall satisfaction from students. In addition to the one-on-one advising she provides, she also is the primary advisor for the Academic Advising Assistant program, teaches the GENBA 105 Business Orientation course, and was chosen to teach in the 1xbet best casino website First program. With all that Tori does to advise students in the CBA, she is most deserving of the CBA Excellence in Advising Award."

Management Instructor Tracey Lee is the recipient of the CBA Teaching Excellence Award. According to her nomination, "Tracey exemplifies excellence in her teaching in the College of Business Administration. Taking on the role of instructor for all the business law courses offered within the college, Tracey has had an impact on students across all major disciplines. 1xbet best casino website consistently receives high TEVAL scores, and student comments reflect the positive impact 1xbet best casino website has had in preparing graduates to enter the workforce. This is even more impressive considering the number of classes that 1xbet best casino website teaches and the variety of students that take those classes. Tracey's exceptional teaching record and the strong recommendations 1xbet best casino website received from multiple individuals reinforce that 1xbet best casino website is most deserving of this award."

The SPS Graduate Faculty Award recipient is Terry Mason, accounting professor. His nomination states, "Terry Mason's work with the graduate programs here at 1xbet best casino website is impressive. During his time as the MAcc director, he helped the program grow considerably and was instrumental in developing and launching the online MAcc program — recently ranked ninth by the U.S. News and World Report. He has served as the chair of the Graduate Curriculum and Instruction Committee in addition to serving on both the Graduate Council and the Faculty Senate. Dr. Mason has been engaged in both developing new graduate courses and developing graduate curricula. In addition, he has served as an advisor to many graduate student capstone projects. Given that Dr. Mason's work touches on so many aspects of the graduate student experience, is well-qualified to receive the 2024 SPS Graduate Faculty Award."

"I know the award recommendations are difficult decisions for the Recognition and 1xbet best casino website Committee to make based on the number of excellent nominations that they receive," Gwinner said. "I thank the Recognition and 1xbet best casino website Committee chaired by Kyle Bradley and comprised of Kim Charland, Kellie Jackson, Cara Richardson, and Shuang Zhu. They have done an outstanding job."

Visit cba.1xbet best casino website edu/about/history/awards/ for more information about this year's 1xbet best casino website . A listing of past 1xbet best casino website and winners is available online.