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K-State Today

March 28, 2024

Zoom program: 'Fostering 1xbet online games login and Equity through a Global Coalition for Sustainable Peace'

Submitted by Larry Erickson

The Zoom program "Fostering 1xbet online games login and Equity through a Global Coalition for Sustainable Peace" will take place from 6-7:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 3. All who are interested are invited to participate.

Frances Flannery, Ph.D., is co-founder of the nonprofit organization BioEarth, home of the One Billion for Peace Pledge, and a subject matter expert on religion, countering violent extremism and peacebuilding. She will speak about "Fostering 1xbet online games login and Equity through a Global Coalition for Sustainable Peace."

Presentation abstract: Climate scientists agree we are living in a small window in which we can still avoid the worst impacts of climate crisis, if we take steps to reach net zero global greenhouse emissions in just 25 years or so. However, achieving this goal requires a global level of cooperation never before seen, which remains impossible as long as wars and armed conflicts rage, thwarting the coordination necessary for avoiding a disastrous climate future that will affect 3.6 billion people by mid-century. However, there is hope. A coalition of diverse organizations across civil societies, diverse and yet united in the goal of sustainable peace, can serve as an effective vehicle for broad based public education about our shared interests and climate change, 1xbet online games login and peacebuilding. Such a coalition will also possess the expertise to empower efforts to influence decision makers, end wars, address the root of conflicts, initiate climate actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and sustain work towards a variety of ecological and social justice goals, such as those articulated in the Earth Charter.

The presentation will conclude with 30 minutes of Q&A, allowing for a deeper dive into the evidence behind this strategy, its implications, and the concrete steps we can take to promote 1xbet online games login , equity and resilience.

The event is part of the World-Wide Teach-In on 1xbet online games login and Justice hosted by Kansas State University with leadership by Bard College, and it will be recorded using Zoom.

The Kansas State 1xbet online games login team includes Gerry Snyder as Zoom host, Donna Schenck-Hamlin as facilitator and Larry E. Erickson as leader.

Those interested in participating in the Zoom event should register online.

For more information, contact Erickson at lerick@k-state.edu or see the Bard College map of the events.