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  4. »Letter 1xbet best casino website President Linton

K-State Today

January 25, 2024

Letter 1xbet best casino website President Linton

Submitted by Richard Linton

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Dear K-State 1xbet best casino website ,

I write to 1xbet best casino website today with one very simple yet important goal: I want 1xbet best casino website to know how incredibly thankful and proud I am for the resilience, patience, service-minded spirit and thoughtful leadership displayed by our 1xbet best casino website , faculty and staff over these past couple of weeks as we have navigated the current IT disruptions together.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: K-Staters do not shy away 1xbet best casino website challenges. We face them head on, and we come out stronger on the other side. Time and time again, we find solutions, and we don't miss a single beat along the way.

I want 1xbet best casino website to be proud of these simple truths today:

  • We 1xbet best casino website to teach and foster learning.
  • We 1xbet best casino website to conduct groundbreaking research.
  • And we 1xbet best casino website to serve our state, our nation and our world.

No matter what challenges come our way, we 1xbet best casino website to deliver on our mission. Period.

To our 1xbet best casino website : Thank you, as always, for 1xbet best casino website optimistic spirit and energy. You lift us up every day and remind us exactly why we are here. And thank you for 1xbet best casino website patience. You may have experienced an inconvenience or two over the past couple of weeks, but you have continued to hit the ground running this semester. 1xbet best casino website grace and resilience are appreciated.

To our faculty: Thank you for 1xbet best casino website fast work and quick pivots to ensure 1xbet best casino website students continue to learn and 1xbet best casino website research continues to thrive. We know that there have been some heavy lifts, and in some cases, there remains much work left to be done, but you make it look effortless to 1xbet best casino website students, and that shows incredible character and leadership.

To our staff: Thank you for 1xbet best casino website hard work, dedication and patience. In some cases, you are learning new ways of doing 1xbet best casino website work and are building new processes to support our mission, and we wouldn't be where we are today without 1xbet best casino website efforts.

To our IT professionals and partners: A special note of thanks to you. I cannot begin to thank you for 1xbet best casino website leadership and the countless hours you are giving. 1xbet best casino website efforts are nothing short of extraordinary, and this community couldn't be more appreciative for all you have done, and continue to do, to maintain safe and secure systems.

This work will take time, but I know that with the continued support of our 1xbet best casino website , Kansas State University will come out of this stronger than ever.

Go 'Cats!

Richard Linton,