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  4. »New operational excellence framework for 1xbet sports betting innovation and Office of the Provost

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December 14, 2023

New operational excellence framework for 1xbet sports betting innovation and Office of the Provost

Submitted by Richard Linton and Charles Taber

Dear Colleagues,

Our Next-Gen 1xbet sports betting next-gen 1xbet is heavily focused on accelerating 1xbet sports betting innovation across the university. This is particularly crucial as we innovate and deliver programs to learners that are aligned with what they want and need and help us reach our strategic imperative goals — including growing our traditional and nontraditional enrollment to 30,000 by 2030. Our plan also calls on us to create more integrated, less siloed environments to drive operational excellence, efficiencies, collaboration and optimized use of our resources as "One K-State."

This past summer, we Kansas st a new strategic enrollment management structure designed to drive operational excellence and transformational change in the areas of strategic enrollment management, recruitment and retention of undergraduate students, 1xbet sports betting success, and student affairs. Building on this momentum and recognizing the need to have a clear focus on 1xbet sports betting innovation, we are excited to announce a new 1xbet sports betting innovation framework that positions our 1xbet sports betting enterprise to help us meet our strategic goals and achieve our vision of leading the nation as a next-generation land-grant university.

This new framework integrates and realigns functions and resources currently within Global Campus and the Office of the Provost. It has been designed to infuse innovation across the work of the Office of the Provost and establish a clear and well-defined structure to:

  • Better support growing enrollment across all student and learner populations.
  • Meet the needs of students and lifelong learners — in-person, online and hybrid.
  • Drive 1xbet sports betting innovation and excellence across all 1xbet sports betting programs, regardless of modality.
  • Better support faculty in innovating and developing courses and programs — credit-bearing and alternative credentials — that meet learner needs and market demands.
  • Build capacity in the areas of faculty affairs and 1xbet sports betting affairs in the Office of the Provost to better support faculty, 1xbet sports betting departments, colleges and campuses across our 1xbet sports betting organization.

Key elements of the new provost's office 1xbet sports betting innovation framework

This restructuring is focused on modernizing and building capacity within our 1xbet sports betting organization — optimizing resources, breaking down siloes that prevent us from being as effective and impactful as we can be, and amplifying the value and impact of the work our K-State community does each day in serving our learners and communities.

In this new framework, once fully implemented, Global Campus will no longer exist as a separate organization within K-State. Instead, its functions, teams and resources will be distributed across the Office of the Provost. This restructuring will lift up the expertise and best practices of the Global Campus staff as universitywide resources and amplify our broader work in the areas of 1xbet sports betting innovation, recruitment, and retention and student success in a more integrated, holistic way.

In addition, the university's faculty affairs and 1xbet sports betting affairs functions currently performed in the Office of the Provost under Institutional Effectiveness will be reallocated and strengthened in this new structure.

The new framework includes the following changes and realignments.

  • Establishes a new Office of 1xbet sports betting Affairs and Innovation, reporting to a vice provost, with responsibility for a portfolio focused on 1xbet sports betting affairs, 1xbet sports betting innovation, faculty affairs and a reimagined Teaching and Learning Center.
  • Other changes and investments within this new Office of 1xbet sports betting Affairs and Innovation include the following:
    • Establishes a faculty director role for 1xbet sports betting affairs, responsible for working on all matters involving 1xbet sports betting policy at K-State.
    • Establishes a faculty director role for faculty affairs, responsible for overseeing the processing of faculty actions, including promotion and tenure and hiring and leave, managing faculty award programs, and providing faculty with professional development opportunities and other resources.
    • Repositions the university's Teaching and Learning Center with additional resources to grow and enhance its historical function in becoming a hub for driving innovation in faculty practices, curricular design and program development.
    • Creates an 1xbet sports betting Innovation unit, reporting to an associate vice provost for 1xbet sports betting innovation, with a focus on:
      • Curriculum and program development for all modalities, including instructional design — credit and non-credit learning.
      • Digital learning, including the 1xbet sports betting Online platform.
      • Market intelligence and analysis support as a university resource for campuses, colleges, departments and faculty to leverage as they align their programs with what our learners, markets and communities need.
      • Oversight of continuing education and noncredit learning functions, moving this work into a more integrated institutional structure.
    • Global Campus online advising will shift to the Division of 1xbet sports betting Success and Student Affairs, or DASSA, continuing to serve learners throughout the transition. This shift builds on recent efforts to establish more integrated, coordinated university central advising. The military student advising functions focused on serving learners at Fort Riley, currently in Global Campus, and Fort Leavenworth, currently in the Graduate School, will also move to the Military Affiliated Resource Center, the university's new one-stop military learner support unit within DASSA.
    • Creates a more comprehensive, integrated approach to strategic enrollment management by consolidating resources and staff within Enrollment Management, Global Campus, and the Graduate School into one environment with a focus on driving recruitment for all prospective learners.
      • Online recruitment 1xbet sports betting shift to Enrollment Management, along with graduate recruitment, to form a true center of excellence for K-State when it comes to recruitment, matriculation and enrollment — regardless of modality. Enrollment Management 1xbet sports betting continue coordinating with all colleges and campuses to execute integrated, synergistic recruitment activities across the university and K-State's recruitment centers in Salina, Olathe and Manhattan.
      • Enrollment Management, Global Campus and Graduate School marketing and communications functions 1xbet sports betting be consolidated within a new enrollment focused marketing and communications team, which 1xbet sports betting coordinate with the Division of Communications and Marketing, or DCM, and all campuses and colleges to ensure comprehensive and consistent marketing activities targeting all prospective learners and the learning environment or program they are seeking. The team 1xbet sports betting work closely with DCM to ensure alignment with university brand guidelines, marketing and advertising activities, and general university marketing and communications strategies.
      • The Graduate School 1xbet sports betting continue to oversee graduate admissions while focusing on student success for all graduate learners as we work to significantly grow and retain our graduate student population in alignment with the Next-Gen K-State strategic plan.

In addition to the above changes, we 1xbet sports betting also work with UFM, Inc. to clarify our partnership moving forward in coordination with our kansas 1xbet online casino State University and to plan for the transition of credit coursework back to university operations.

You can see these changes outlined in these PDF charts. These charts outline a functional redesign of the provost's office structure with new and highlighted functions and realignments. More detailed organizational charts 1xbet sports betting be developed in the coming months as plans are developed to move from this framework to detailed organizational charts that 1xbet sports betting be implemented by July 2024. To learn more about the new framework, timeline for implementation and next steps, please visit the Next-Gen K-State Operational Excellence Framewor, where you can find more detailed information, including a slide presentation and 1xbe.

Why are these changes being made now?

Many members of our K-State community have been engaged in discussions about 1xbet sports betting innovation and the functions and services of Global Campus for several years, beginning in 2019 as part of the K-State 2025 1xbet online casino. Task force recommendations were submitted in March 2020, but any actions on these recommendations were paused as the university responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and implemented our first strategic enrollment management structure. Discussions throughout the Next-Gen K-State strategic planning process raised and reinforced the concept of accelerating 1xbet sports betting innovation as critical to the future of our university. Now is the right time to act as we work to implement our strategic plan to help meet our aggressive goals for enrollment growth and 1xbet sports betting innovation in our curriculum and program development.

While we are announcing these changes today, we know the real work will be in the transition planning that will take place over the next six months — and it is vital that we begin this transition process now to have our new structure fully operational in advance of the 2024-2025 1xbet sports betting year. A transition team is being put in place that will report for now to Interim Provost Debbie Mercer, then to our new provost. We expect a new provost will take an active role in reviewing and refining aspects of this reorganization as part of the transition planning that will take place in the spring.

When 1xbet sports betting the new structure go into effect?

In-depth reviews, discussions, planning and diligence 1xbet sports betting take place to support the transition to the new structure during spring 2024. While all changes may not be made at the same time, the new structure 1xbet sports betting fully go into effect in June 2024, in coordination with the university's new fiscal year.

Next steps

Detailed, intentional transition planning will take place beginning now through June 2024. The transition work will be coordinated by Lynn Carlin, provost's office; Karen Goos, enrollment management; Thomas Lane, 1xbet sports betting success and student affairs; and Karen Pedersen, Global Campus, with support from Shanna Legleiter and Marci Ritter, Human Resources; Becca Zecha, budget office; Heather Mills, space planning; Ashley Bourne and Cindy Hollingsworth, communications and marketing; and Sandra Brase and Craig Bourne, provost's office. The transition team will work together and with employees in the units impacted by this restructuring. They will also hold monthly joint meetings with the Global Campus, DASSA, enrollment management and provost's office leadership teams to identify issues and processes that need to be worked through, provide updates on the transition project work, and maintain open flow of communications with and from leaders to units and their employees.

As decisions and changes are made, they 1xbet sports betting be communicated through updates to Operational E, unit-level staff meetings, and other communications with staff in the impacted units. In addition, the university community 1xbet sports betting receive updates through articles in K-State Today.

We encourage you to submit ideas, suggestions or thoughts about this restructuring to the transition team at provostplanning@1xbet sports betting edu. Messages sent to this address 1xbet sports betting be directed to the appropriate members of the transition planning team.

In closing, we felt it was fitting to include this excerpt from our Next-Gen 1xbet sports betting strategic plan:

"Like many higher education institutions, K-State is often challenged in how quickly it can adapt to meet the demands of the world around it, particularly when it comes to aligning educational programs with what employers and communities are expressing in real-time as key areas of need and ensuring graduates are uniquely positioned for immediate success. We now have an opportunity to think differently from other universities in how we more rapidly meet these needs, building an internal culture of innovation and disruption and leaning into our status as a land grant institution that prioritizes external engagement at all levels. To do so, we will reimagine our structures, systems, processes, facilities, campuses and even credentials and degrees with an underlying focus on championing 1xbet sports betting innovation and ensuring students remain at the cutting edge of their respective disciplines."

Today's announcement is an important and exciting step as we challenge ourselves to move beyond our traditional approaches, accelerate 1xbet sports betting innovation across K-State, and position our broader 1xbet sports betting enterprise to meet the needs all of our learners in the coming years — regardless of modality and together as One K-State.

Go 'Cats!

Richard Linton

Chuck Taber
Provost and executive vice president

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