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K-State Today

December 5, 2023

Academic 1xbet sports betting Review and Revitalization investments

Submitted by Chuck Taber

Dear Colleagues,

As our university moved out of the pandemic several years ago, I Kansas Sta a university initiative to design and implement a process to support universitywide academic 1xbet sports betting review and revitalization, or APRR. Thanks to the work of the members of the APRR Task Force and the APRR review team and our academic department heads, faculty and staff, Kansas State University has made a radical shift in the way we conduct academic 1xbet sports betting review. That shift is one of the ways in which we will shape our 1xbet sports betting offerings as we Our priorities 1xbet best casino website to meet our aspirations as a model next-generation land-grant university. Today I am happy to share our progress and announce our first awards of strategic investment funds to five academic programs resulting from 1xbet sports betting review.

As I stated in my introduction to the 1xbet sports betting Di, K-State's 1xbet online games login Diversity and Inclusion,encourages faculty conversations about their 1xbet sports betting programs with the goal of identifying ways to meet the changing needs of students with high quality education programs.

The goals of 1xbet sports betting have been to establish a common framework, process and set of metrics to:

  • Gain a more holistic view of our 1xbet sports betting portfolio of offerings to students.
  • Identify programs for improvement, investment and growth.
  • Provide an internally developed decision support tool for faculty and 1xbet sports betting leadership.
  • Drive innovative curriculum and continuous 1xbet sports betting improvement.
  • Promote 1xbet sports betting excellence and accountability.
  • Support the long-term financial viability of K-State by assuring we meet contemporary student and market demands.

After a year developing the 1xbet sports betting and a successful pilot process year, the APRR inaugural implementation year has officially come to a close.

Shortly before the fall 2023 semester began, an Academic 1xbet sports betting Review and Revitalization review team was brought together from the existing 1xbet sports betti to design and implement a review process for the 1xbet sports betting reports. The review team was composed of the following:

  • Tanya González, interim associate provost for institutional effectiveness, chair.
  • Jenny Bormann, professor of animal sciences and industry and assistant dean, College of Agriculture.
  • Gary Clark, senior associate dean, Carl R. Ice College of Engineering.
  • Royce Ann Collins, professor of educational leadership, College of Education.
  • Ellyn Mulcahy, professor and head, Master of Public Health 1xbet sports betting , College of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Scott Tanona, associate dean for 1xbet sports betting affairs, College of Arts and Sciences.

During this first year, the reviewers were tasked with identifying programs whose APRR reports used the provided APRR Power BI data sets to engage in robust faculty conversations that resulted in 1) identifying the health of the 1xbet sports betting , and 2) developing 1xbet sports betting goals and/or action items.

Twenty-three programs were invited to submit investment proposals, 14 of which submitted. We are pleased to announce the five programs that were awarded investments of up to ,000 each:

  • Department of modern languages for 1xbet sports betting updates to better serve heritage speakers.
  • Department of social transformation studies' intercultural competency certificate to be developed online.
  • Department of interior architecture and industrial designto develop Design Thinking.
  • Department of personal financial planning to developing a personal financial planning course for high schools.
  • Department of applied human sciences' early childhood education degree 1xbet sports betting updates to align with industry and student needs.

As with any initial implementation, lessons are learned to help improve the process. The APRR review team is currently working on updates to the APRR process including improvements to the APRR report tool, development of an APRR policy and process, alignments with the updated KBOR 1xbet sports betting review expectations, and guidance for those programs with external accreditation processes.

While revision work continues, it is important to note that the FY24 APRR process provides an opportunity for every 1xbet sports betting to apply for APRR investment funds if the proposal is accompanied by written approval from the college dean. We hope this streamlines the review and award processes moving forward.

The FY24 1xbet sports betting will launch at 8 a.m. on Jan. 23, 2024, via a Zoom workshop that will share how to begin the conversations and tips for successful submissions. Reports will be due on May 30, 2024.

I want to thank everyone who contributed over three years to build today's APRR 1xbet sports betting . I believe a firm foundation has been laid for periodic comprehensive 1xbet sports betting review which will serve our students, our faculty, and our university well as we look to an exciting future for Kansas State University as a model next-gen 1xbet sports betting K-State.


Chuck Taber
Provost and executive vice president