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February 17, 2023

Brueseke presents at international conference

Submitted by Matt Brueseke

Professor Matt Brueseke in front of Champagne Pool, a gold-rich hot spring in New Zealand

Matt Brueseke, professor in the geology department, presented at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior Scientific Assembly, Rotorua, New Zealand, Jan. 30-Feb.3.

Brueseke's presentation was "Investigating <10 Ma off-axis magmatism in the Centennial Valley, Montana and upper Wind River Basin-Jackson Hole, Wyoming: Yellowstone hotspot — lithosphere interactions at the leading edge of the Snake River Plain (USA)."

TheInternational Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior is the primary international organization for research in volcanology and igneous petrology, efforts to mitigate volcanic disasters and research into closely related disciplines, such as critical minerals needed for societal sustainable development goals.

The assembly was originally scheduled for 2021, and over 800 participants from more than 40 countries attended in person. Travel was supported by ongoing National Science Foundation funding and a recently awarded 1xbet best casino website Faculty Development Grant.