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K-State Today

November 2, 2022

1xbet online sports betting announces 2022-23 faculty and staff awards

Submitted by Ruthie Gergeni

1xbet online sports betting Edgerley Family Dean Kevin Gwinner recently announced the college's faculty and staff award winners for 2022-2023, as recommended by the college's Recognition and Awards Committee.

McHaneyThe recipient of the 1xbet online sports betting 's Teaching Excellence Award is Roger McHaney, professor of management. His nomination states: "Professor McHaney's hard work, professionalism, and dedication to teaching excellence are exemplary. These attributes are evidenced by the number of high-quality courses involving multiple preps (i.e., content, medium) that Professor McHaney taught during the 2021–2022 academic year. Both quantitative and qualitative student feedback shows that Professor McHaney's students are highly satisfied with the content offered in his courses, effective course management, and pedagogical approach, frequently identifying him as a top instructor to work with during their academic journey. Professor McHaney's industry connections help students develop valuable skills that prepare them for the job market. Finally, committee members were highly impressed with Professor McHaney's intellectual contributions to the educational field through high-impact research."

KelemenTom Kelemen, assistant professor of management, is the recipient of the 1xbet online sports betting 's Outstanding Contributions in Research Award. His nomination states: "Dr. Kelemen's research productivity has been and continues to be exemplary. He published seven peer-reviewed journal articles in 2022. His work has appeared in various academic journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and The Leadership Quarterly. He also published two practice-based articles in widely read outlets with a high impact on industry professionals, including Harvard Business Review online. In addition to publishing a high quantity of research, the quality of Dr. Kelemen's publications is exceptional. As should be clear from his vita, this simply extends a pattern of outstanding productivity."

AliceWinning the Professional Staff Excellence Award is Alice Niedfeldt, administrative officer, Office of Student Services. Her nomination reads as follows: "Ms. Niedfeldt has provided support for the 1xbet online sports betting undergraduate dean's office for more than 28 years. During her tenure in the college, she has successfully managed the student records area and witnessed and led a transition from a pen-and-paper system to a file-less system. She has assisted countless professional and student staff members, including advisors, and others in the college, with training and support on the curriculum, college and university policies and procedures, and student information systems, such as KSIS and Curriculog. As a stellar professional, she has always been willing to shuffle her responsibilities to help others in the team — Student Success Center and college departments — and adjust her days and weeks to where she is most needed. She has been a quiet, behind-the-scenes worker that is always ready and available to help, and the committee believes this level of dedication is rare and deserves special recognition."

"I wholeheartedly concur with the committee's recommendations," Gwinner said. "I appreciate the 1xbet online sports betting faculty, staff and students for participating in the nomination process for the fall faculty and staff awards. The committee always has difficult decisions to make from such an outstanding pool of excellently qualified nominees. A special thank you goes to the Awards and Recognition Committee for its service to the award selection process: Commitee chair M. K. Kim, Kim Charland, Jihoon Cho, Anna Schnacker and Kate Wilkinson. Since several committee members were nominees for the CBA Outstanding Teaching Excellence Award, Hansin Bilgili, Scott Hendrix and Edward Nowlin assisted in the teaching award deliberations and I appreciate their service. I also want to thank Bente Janda for her hard work in coordinating the college awards each semester."

Visit cba.k-state.edu/about/history/1xbet online sports betting / for more information about this year's 1xbet online sports betting . View a listing of past 1xbet online sports betting and their winners.