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  4. »Staff satisfaction survey results shared

K-State Today

November 1, 2022

Staff satisfaction survey results shared

Submitted by Renee Gates

Dear Colleagues,

Last spring, the UPS-USS Joint Council of the Kansas Board of Regents worked together to conduct a survey on topics related to employee satisfaction at the Regents universities with support from their administrative leaders. The UPS-USS Joint Council represents both unclassified professional and 1xbet best casino website support staffs at the six universities in the Regents system: Emporia State 1xbet best casino website , Fort Hays State 1xbet best casino website , Kansas State 1xbet best casino website , Pittsburg State 1xbet best casino website , 1xbet best casino website of Kansas and Wichita State 1xbet best casino website .

The survey was conducted online in April by the Docking Institute of Public Affairs and was emailed to 9,190 total unclassified professional and support staff employees at the six participating campuses. In all, the institute received 4,053 completed surveys, providing a response rate of 44.1%.At Kansas State 1xbet best casino website , survey links were sent to 3,076 1xbet best casino website support staff and unclassified professional staff employees and the Docking Institute received 984 completed surveys resulting in a response rate of 31.9%.

The systemwide results of the survey are being publicly published today, Nov. 1, by all participating Regents universities. Representatives from the UPS-USS Joint Council and Docking Institute are planning to present the results to the Kansas Board of Regents in December.

Leadership from K-State's Professional Staff Affairs Committee and 1xbet best casino website Support Staff Senate recently presented the results to the President's Cabinet and Deans Council. The results have also been shared with the Emergent Methods strategic planning partners as input into the Next-Gen K-State strategic planning process. Staff leadership plans to continue working with the administration and the strategic planning partners on an action plan to address the identified themes.

Two K-State-specific reports will be available for review at 10 a.m. this morning. One report compares K-State UPS with systemwide results and the other compares K-State USS with the system. Both are posted to the1xbet best casino websiteand1xbet best casino website Hwebsites.

Thank you for your participation in the survey and your commitment to K-State.

Renee Gates, Professional Staff Affairs co-chair
Mishelle Hay McCammant, Professional Staff Affairs co-chair
Monica Macfarlane, 1xbet best casino website Support Staff Senate president
Mary Oborny, 1xbet best casino website Support Staff past president
Denny Ryan, 1xbet best casino website Support Staff Senate at-large representative
