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October 19, 2022

Help shape our future at Kansas State University

Submitted by Richard Linton

1xbet online games login

Dear 1xbet online games login Community,

I am excited to share a quick update about Next-Gen 1xbet online games login , our universitywide strategic planning initiative to define our future as a Next-Generation Land-Grant University.

We have made great progress since launching this effort last month. Our team and consulting partners have been busy conducting interviews, holding listening sessions, reviewing data and visiting with community partners as part of our regional community visits initiative. Our Next-Gen 1xbet online games login Advi is also meeting regularly to review our progress and guide us in all phases of our work.

As I mentioned when Kansas sta this effort last month, we are focused on providing numerous inclusive opportunities for you to engage in this strategic planning process. We very much want your input, ideas and recommendations in thinking about how to best position 1xbet online games login to be the most successful and impactful within our communities, our state, the nation and the world.

One of the ways we are seeking 1xbet online games login feedback is through a series of surveys we are launching today. All faculty, staff, and students should receive an email including a link to either the faculty and staff survey or the student survey. If you are both an employee and student, you should receive two emails with different links.

These short surveys are designed to help us understand what's working at 1xbet online games login , what can be improved, what we value as a university community, and how we should define our future vision and priorities. We are also asking for your feedback on our 1xbet online games login brand and what about that brand resonates the most with you.

I also want to emphasize that these surveys are completely anonymous. You may be asked to enter 1xbet online games login eID to access 1xbet online games login survey; this is only to protect access to the surveys and ensure our faculty, staff and students are the only ones with access to 1xbet online games login respective surveys. 1xbet online games login responses will go directly to our consulting partners at Emergent Method, and in no way will 1xbet online games login eID or any other personally identifiable information be associated with 1xbet online games login response. As such, I am asking that you please be as candid and forthcoming as possible. 1xbet online games login input through these surveys will be integral in informing our future priorities and how we position ourselves as the Next-Generation Land-Grant University.

To complete the survey, either click the link in the email you should receive today or visit our Next-Gen 1xbet online games and click the appropriate survey link found under the Get Involvedsection of the website.

We are also in the process of distributing surveys to request feedback from other stakeholders, including our 1xbet online games login alumni, employers of 1xbet online games login students and alumni, and parents and families of 1xbet online games login students. These surveys are also anonymous and designed to gather similar perspectives on the future of our university. If you receive multiple surveys, please read the email carefully and consider completing them all, as we may be seeking your feedback from two or multiple vantage points.

Thank you in advance for 1xbet online games login time and participation in this process. As always, if you have any comments or questions about our strategic planning effort, please feel free to reach out to our strategic planning team at nextgen@1xbet online games login edu. I look forward to 1xbet online games login feedback and working with you in the months to come as we develop our new strategic plan and chart our future together.

Go 'Cats!

Richard Linton