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  4. »Advisor Forum presents February Charlie Award

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February 2, 2022

Advisor Forum presents February Charlie Award

Submitted by Katelin A. Christianer-Donkers

The 1xbet sports betting Advisor Forum announces that Bradley Kramer, professor and department head of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, has been selected for the February Charlie award.

Kramer was nominated by a colleague for this award because "he is working hard to find ways to always improve our department and make it a better place for 1xbet sports betting to earn their degree."

Kramer is commended for being available to 1xbet sports betting in all situations.

According to his nominator, "No matter his busy schedule, he always makes time to answer student questions about their degree progress, even if he is not their advisor. He takes the time to sit down with 1xbet sports betting and listen to their current problems and needs. He has been in the department for over 30 years and has been through it all."

In addition to academic advising, Kramer "also looks out for job opportunities for 1xbet sports betting and connects 1xbet sports betting with alumni and employers. He can relate to the 1xbet sports betting and give them the ins and outs of the career field."

"After 1xbet sports betting talk with Dr. Kramer, they feel relieved and more confident that they can take on today's issues," which is a testament to his advising.

The 1xbet sports betting Advisor Forum thanks Kramer for the work he has done for students and the advising community and congratulates him on this award.

For more information on the Charlie Award or to learn how to nominate someone, please review the Recognitions page on the Student Success website. Once your nomination is complete, it will remain an active nomination for one full academic year. Nominations can be completed at any time and can be submitted by anyone on campus. One award will be given out at the beginning of each month. The Advisor Forum Committee will make the decision and deliver awards.