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February 1, 2022

Legislative Update

Submitted by Sue Peterson

Last week, the 1xbet online sports betting Legislature continued to introduce new legislation and hold hearings on multiple bills. One of the most significant pieces of legislation is Senate Bill 347 Attracting Powerful Economic Expansion, or APEX, Act. This legislation expands the programs of the 1xbet online sports betting Department of Commerce for business and workforce attraction to 1xbet online sports betting . The bill passed the Senate, and the hearings continue in the House Commerce, Labor and Economic Development Committee this week.

Legislative hearings for the week of Jan. 31-Feb. 4.

Monday Jan. 31, noon
Review of University Capitol Improvement Projects
Joint Committee on State Building Construction

Tuesday, Feb. 1, 1:30 p.m.
Scott DeLoach, professor and head of the computer science department in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering.
Presenting testimony on House Bill 2466: Enacting the Promoting Advancement in Computing Knowledge Act
House Committee on Education.

Wednesday, Feb. 2, 8:30 a.m.

Ernest Minton, dean of the College of Agriculture and director of 1xbet online sports betting Research and Extension.
Presentation on 1xbet online sports betting State University College of Agriculture.
Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee

Wednesday, Feb. 2, 3:30 p.m.
Ernest Minton,dean of the College of Agriculture and director of 1xbet online sports betting Research and Extension.
Presentation on 1xbet online sports betting State University College of Agriculture.
House Agriculture Committee

Thursday, Feb. 3, 1:30 p.m.
Budget Hearing Postsecondary Education Systemwide
House Higher Education Budget Committee

The 1xbet online sports betting Legislature provides virtual access to committee meetings and floor action throughout the 2022 legislative session. Links to access the meetings can be found at kslegislature.org/li.

The Office of Government Relations will again provide weekly Legislative Updates through the remainder of the Legislative session, which is scheduled to adjourn in early May. The updates will be from noon to 1 p.m. on Fridays by Zoom.

Zoom details are below. You will be required to sign in with your 1xbet online sports betting eID and password to access the meeting.

Join Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 996 6618 4318
Passcode: 829804

Throughout the 1xbet online sports betting legislative session, the 1xbet online games login maintains a list of legislation pertaining to higher education, 1xbet online sports betting and state agency operations. To subscribe to the listserv, email kstategr@1xbet online sports betting edu.

If you have any questions regarding the 1xbet online sports betting Legislature, please contact Sue Peterson or Kristin Holt in the Office of Government Relations at 785-532-6227.