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  4. »Singh hosts annual NSF — 1xbet online games login workshop

K-State Today

August 11, 2021

Singh hosts annual NSF — 1xbet online games login workshop

Submitted by Sailesh Menon

2021 PIRE workshop image

The fourth annualNational Science Foundation Partnerships for International 1xbet online games login and Education, or NSF — PIRE,onpolymer-derived ceramics workshop was July 19-20 in Boulder, Colorado. This hybrid format workshop offered opportunities for team members across the globe to discuss their 1xbet online games login and educational outcomes from the previous year.

Gurpreet Singh, professor of engineering, is the principal investigator for NSF — 1xbet online games login .

The 1xbet online games login seminars covered topics in polymer-derived ceramics, high-temperature ceramic matrix composite materials, additive manufacturing of polymer composites, and ultra-high temperature materials for aerospace applications.

The hybrid meeting platform was a major draw to students, scientists, and researchers. Faculty and students from France, Germany, India and Italy attended and presented yearly 1xbet online games login findings at the meeting. Approximately half the attendees were able to travel to Colorado to attend the meeting in person. One member of the National Academy of Sciences and one member of the National Academy of Engineering were also present. The aerospace industry was represented by attendees from the General Electric Company, Raytheon Technologies, Spirit AeroSystems, Sierra Turbines and Starfire Systems.

The meeting provided scholars and industry professionals ample opportunities to network. A key focus area of the workshop was to find ways to translate academic 1xbet online games login to meet industrial needs.

The meeting also had a strong focus on student 1xbet online games login and education. Graduate and undergraduate students in the PIRE project delivered oral and poster presentations on the second day of the meeting. This year, eight undergraduate students participated in various PIRE-supported summer projects.

This 1xbet online games login was made possible by financial support from the NSF. Information about PIRE and related innovations is available 1xbet o or by calling 785-532-7085.