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K-State Today

June 29, 2021

1xbet sports betting 1

Submitted by Audrey Hambright

The Biosecurity 1xbet sports betting Institute, or BRI, and the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases, or CEEZAD, are offering a virtual mini-symposiumfrom 8:45 a.m. to noonJuly 1.

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Meeting ID: 941 3952 1366

Juergen Richt, 1xbet sports betting director, will serve as host of the event.

1xbet sports betting and schedule:

8:45-9 a.m. Welcome
Steve Higgs, director, 1xbet sports betting , Kansas State University
Juergen Richt, director, 1xbet sports betting , Kansas State University

9-9:40 a.m. National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility Update
Alfonso Clavijo, director of USDA National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility

9:40-10:20 a.m. Expanding the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory’s mission: 1xbet sports betting Plum Island to NBAF
Kimberly Dodd, director, Foreign 1xbet sports betting Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, USDA-APHIS

10:20-10:30 a.m. Break

10:30-11:10 a.m.1xbet sports betting models to study zoonotic coronavirus infections
Joaquim Segalés, professor, Veterinary School/Department of 1xbet sports betting Health and Anatomy, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

11:10-11:50 a.m.1xbet sports betting Response to Emerging Viruses in High Biocontainment
Heinz Feldmann, Chief, NIH/NIAID 1xbet sports betting of Virology and Disease Modeling and Transmission

11:50 a.m. to noonQuestions/Comments

The 1xbet sports betting is offered in conjunction with a Department of Homeland Security-funded two-week training program developed by CEEZAD in cooperation with the BRI.

Ten students are participating in the two-week program. Selected students include graduate students and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students 1xbet sports betting around the nation who have demonstrated career interest in transboundary and zoonotic diseases of animals. The first week consists of hands-on containment research education at the BRI. During the second week, students hear lectures 1xbet sports betting invited guest speakers 1xbet sports betting academia, industry and government.