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K-State Today

June 18, 2021

Landscape architecture graduate student projects receive special recognitions

Submitted by Thom Jackson

Graduate students 1xbet online casino thelandscape architecture and regional & 1xbet online casino planningdepartment in 1xbet online casino State University's College of Architecture, Planning and Design, recentlyearned honors for their projects fromtwo award programs of the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Prairie Gateway Chapter awardsand theCentral States awards.The Prairie Gateway Chapter represents 1xbet online casino and western Missouri. Central States ASLA represents eight U.S. states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, 1xbet online casino , Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas

Earning an Honor Award 1xbet online casino the Prairie Gateway Chapterand the Award of Excellence 1xbet online casino Central States ASLA for the project "Higher Ground" were graduate 1xbet online casino Erich Herbel, Lehigh; August Titus, Montezuma; Ashley Akers, Newton; Paden Chesney and Julia Kappelman, both 1xbet online casino Olathe; Grant Pasowicz, Overland 1xbet online casino ; Jessie Carmichael, Plainville; Madelyn Cole, Blue Springs, Missouri; Haley Weinberg, Des Peres, Missouri; Nicholas Ferrara and Kastasya Jackson, both 1xbet online casino 1xbet online casino City, Missouri; Rainie Madsen, Frederick, Maryland; and Mikala Fitzgerald, Kearney, Nebraska. The project was the focus of a summer 2019 1xbet online casino Planning and Design studio led by associate professor Howard Hahn.The Excellence Award is reserved for the highest quality projects.

"After extensive site analysis and mapping, the 'Higher Ground' studio presented four design scenarios for how redevelopment around a busy Manhattan interchange quadrant could be envisioned to be more resilient against Wildcat Creek flooding," Hahn said. "Each scenario explored a dominant theme characterized by either urban agriculture, family-oriented development, a health-oriented district, or high-density business/corporate development."

While the studio research project was launched in 2019, it served as the catalyst for the current planning initiative being completed by the1xbet online casino of Manhattan,Flint Hills Regional Counciland 2006 APDesign alumnaWendy Van Duyne,senior associate atStantec.

"The students’ thoughtful approach to design and their exceptional presentation skills has proven to inspire the city," said Chad Bunger, assistant director of 1xbet online casino planning for the1xbet online casino of Manhattanand a 2008 APDesign graduate. "Their designs and presentations have led the 1xbet online casino to search for further planning projects and funding sources to help with redevelopment of the area."

Earning an Honor Award from the Prairie Gateway Chapterand a Merit Award from Central States ASLA for the project "SPARK: A Vision for Martin Luther King Jr. Square 1xbet online casino " were August Titus, Montezuma; Julia Kappelman, Olathe; Grant Pasowicz, Overland 1xbet online casino ; Haley Weinberg, Des Peres, Missouri; Mikala Fitzgerald, Kearney, Nebraska; and Si Chen, Shanghai, China. The project was developed and presented under the guidance ofassociate professor Jessica Canfield.

According to Canfield, the project challenged students to explore how strategic investments, improved connections and community empowerment can lead to a more resilient, better connected, heathier and vibrant park space for the eastside 1xbet online casino City, Missouri. Working collaboratively, students illustrated how an underutilized park can become a multi-beneficial amenity in an underserved community — providing essential social services while improving degraded environmental conditions.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Square 1xbet online casino , or MLK 1xbet online casino , is a 42-acre site along the Brush Creek Greenway. Over the years, the 1xbet online casino site, which is essentially a vacant lot, has seen a genuine interest from the community to be developed — with ideas ranging from minimal interventions to very extreme changes.

The team of the six graduate students worked collaboratively over one semester to develop a vision plan for the MLK 1xbet online casino site. Students collaborated with 2004 APDesign graduateTim Duggan of Phronesisand local stakeholders to inform and strengthen the work, taking into consideration the 1xbet online casino ’s need, the site’s physical opportunities and constraints, and future impacts of climate change. The aim of the students was to develop visionary, yet feasible, design and programming ideas that the 1xbet online casino and city could use as a starting point for conversations on implementation.

This project was undertaken as part of theLandscape Architecture Foundation’s Green New Deal Superstudioinitiative. With a central focus on social justice, the students sought to transform the park into a signature destination to play, gather and connect, for the surrounding neighbors and greater 1xbet online casino City community. Most notably, the site will exemplify MLK's legacy by uniting communities around a welcoming, safe and inclusive park within a rejuvenated greenway.

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