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K-State Today

May 14, 2021

Food 1xbet online casino students win awards

Submitted by Randall Phebus

Sami Fischer, left, andFrancisco Najar-Villarreal are recipients of2020-21 Outstanding Food 1xbet online casino Student Awards.

The K-State Food 1xbet online casino Institute recently announced the 2020-21 Outstanding Food 1xbet online casino Student Awards.Sami Fischerreceived theOutstanding Food 1xbet online casino Senior Award, andFrancisco Najar-Villarreal received theOutstanding Graduate Food 1xbet online casino Award.

The awards are sponsored annually by the National Beef Packing Company — headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, with processing facilities in Kansas City, Liberal and Dodge City — to recognize exemplary academic and professional accomplishments, along with food 1xbet online casino programmatic contributions, by an undergraduate and graduate student in food 1xbet online casino over the entire duration of their degree program at K-State. Winners receive an engraved plaque and a monetary award presented by executives from National Beef.

Fischer is completing her Bachelor of 1xbet online casino in food 1xbet online casino and industry — 1xbet online casino option — and has excelled academically while making major contributions to the program. She completed internships at Cargill and TIC Gums and was involved in undergraduate food research and several outreach activities.Fischer demonstrated strong leadership in the food 1xbet online casino program, serving as vice president and president of the Food 1xbet online casino Club and the Sigma Alpha agricultural sorority. In addition, she volunteered in various new student recruitment activities and is laboratory manager for the Kansas Value Added Foods Lab that supports the technical needs of food businesses across Kansas.Fischer completed the K-State Honors Program and was selected nationally into the prestigious Cargill Fellows Program. Her academic advisor is Abbey Nutsch.

Najar-Villarreal is completing his doctoral program which focused on understanding and controlling food waste, particularly retail-level meat waste due to losses in shelf life and color quality of fresh meat products. Additionally, he has studied the impact of transportation stresses on the well-being of livestock. While a graduate student at K-State,Najar-Villarreal has instructed multiple meat 1xbet online casino courses and industry workshops, and his service and outreach efforts nationally and internationally across the meat industry are well recognized. He has been a dedicated asset to the food 1xbet online casino and meat 1xbet online casino programs as both a master’s and doctoral level student.Najar-Villarreal received his Bachelor of 1xbet online casino in food engineering from the University of Nuevo León in Monterrey, Mexico before arriving at K-State in 2014. His graduate program advisor is Elizabeth Boyle.