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  4. »Student Success Resources Canvas 1xbet best casino website update

K-State Today

January 21, 2021

Student Success Resources Canvas 1xbet best casino website update

Submitted by Stephanie J. Bannister

We are excited to share an update for the Student Success Resource 1xbet best casino website in Canvas launched in fall 2020 and to ask for your help connecting students to this resource in spring 2021. Ninety-five percent of the 3,470 students who were added to the 1xbet best casino website have accepted their invitation.

912 students viewed the helpful video embedded therein explaining the benefits of the resource. Find and share out the YouTube video to encourage further engagement.The online scavenger hunt hosted as part of Weeks of Welcome garnered 206 participants and was a fun, interactive way to help students engage with this new resource.

As a campus community member, you can continue to direct students to the 1xbet best casino website at the beginning of the spring semester by including this link in your communications with students. Remember you can also embed this helpful resource 1xbet best casino website in your current Canvas courses for spring as follows:

The Student Success Resource 1xbet best casino website is now available as a 1xbet best casino website addition through blueprint. Blueprint allows Canvas users to download the resource 1xbet best casino website into one of their already formed classes in Canvas. When blueprinting occurs, the structure of the resource class will be copied into a pre-existing 1xbet best casino website . When updates are made to the blueprint 1xbet best casino website , we will send a message to sync your blueprinted courses to ensure that the information stays updated across courses in canvas. We anticipate syncing will be necessary once each semester. If you are interested in being added to the blueprint 1xbet best casino website , please fill out this survey.

Another way to use the Student Success Resource 1xbet best casino website is by adding it to the left-hand navigation bar in your Canvas 1xbet best casino website . Start in settings, then go to apps across the top and install the Redirect app. When you add the app, name it Student Success Resources and copy and paste this link in the URL box. Make sure to check the box to have it show in your 1xbet best casino website navigation and then add the app. It will automatically show at the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar but can be moved within that navigation bar wherever you would like it to go. If you need help, please visit 1xbet best casino website k-state.edu/info/help/.

For more information on the Student Success Resource 1xbet best casino website contact Stephanie Bannister at sbann@k-state.edu. Thank you for your continued partnership in student success efforts.