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  4. »For your 1xbet online casino : What to do before returning to campuses for the spring semester

K-State Today

January 13, 2021

For your 1xbet online casino : What to do before returning to campuses for the spring semester

Submitted by Lafene 1xbet online casino Center

As Kansas State University students prepare for the spring 2021 semester,know how to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading 1xbet online casino 19beforereturning tocampuses.UsetheEvery Wildcat a Wellcatreturning to K-Statechecklistandcheckthespring 2021digest websiteand start planning now.

LafeneHealth Centeroffers the following tips to prepare for returning to campuses:

  • Be sure to monitor your 1xbet online casino and do not return if you are experiencing symptoms. You should not come to campus if you are sick, have a temperature over 100.4 degrees F, or have otherillness symptoms of 1xbet online casino 19.

  • Continue wearing a face covering, physical distancing and washing hands. This is particularly important during the 10 days before returning to 1xbet online casino campus community — and remember to continue these practices every day once you have arrived.

  • Students traveling fromhigh-risk areasmustself-quarantine for10days. Avoidparticipatingin activities thatcanput you at higher risk for 1xbet online casino 19, including attending large social or mass gatheringsandbeing in crowded places.

  • Students are encouraged toget tested for 1xbet online casino 19beforetraveling back toa K-State campus.If in Kansas, checkgogettested.com/kansastofind a COVID-19testing location andschedule a freetest, orcontact your county 1xbet online casino department or 1xbet online casino care provider about testing.

  • Students are encouragedto take aCOVID-19 testthree to fivedays aftertheyreturnto their campus communityandtoreduce nonessential activities for a fullsevendays after travel, even iftheytestnegative. Ifstudentsdecideto not get tested,they shouldreducenonessential activities for 10 days after travel.

  • On the Manhattan campus, symptomatic and asymptomatic testing are available atLafene 1xbet online casino Centerat no cost to students, faculty and staff. On the Polytechnic campus, symptomatic and asymptomatic testing are available atLafene at Polytechnic. If 1xbet online casino are symptomatic or have been identified as a close contact, please call 785-532-6544 to schedule an appointment for testing. If 1xbet online casino have no symptoms and have not been identified as a close contact, 1xbet online casino can schedule an appointment on themyLafene+ patient portalor by callingLafeneHealth Center.

Find more CDC tips to  reduce risk and stop the spread of 1xbet online casino 19 and learn more about  1xbet online casino and wellness at K-State.Learn more abouttheEveryWildcat aWellcatcampaign.