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October 5, 2020

Your 1xbet online games login matters. Literally. Register today

Submitted by Timothy J. Shaffer

Today is Oct. 5. The last day to register to vote in the November general election in Kansas is Oct. 13. Including today, 1xbet online games login have nine days. If 1xbet online games login 're eligible to vote in Kansas, 1xbet online games login can check 1xbet online games login registration easily. 1xbet online games login can also register at that same link.

If 1xbet online games login want to vote in another state, check your registration and make sure that 1xbet online games login don't miss the important deadline. This is not like the opportunity to submit your paper late to a forgiving professor. 1xbet online games login need to meet these deadlines. Voter registration varies from state to state, so it's essential that 1xbet online games login do it now. Why does this matter? Because every person casting a 1xbet online games login matters.

In races across the United States in the last election, some were decided by a single 1xbet online games login . One person's decision, or the lack of participation, which is the decision not to 1xbet online games login , determined the outcome of multiple state and federal races. In Illinois, for example, a race with more than 50,000 votes was decided by the votes of 12 people. It might be easy to say, "I'm just one person," but the reality is that in numerous races, each individual 1xbet online games login matters.

1xbet online games login may be feeling overwhelmed about the candidates running for office and their platforms and policies. Don't let these hold 1xbet online games login back from registering. Before 1xbet online games login can vote, 1xbet online games login must be registered. There will be time — soon — that 1xbet online games login can learn all about the candidates and issues on the ballot. Don't let the sense of uncertainty hold 1xbet online games login back from being able to participate in this essential element of our democracy.

If 1xbet online games login 're a student, encourage your friends and classmates to register to vote. Get involved with Wildcat Votes and follow them for updates about the election. If 1xbet online games login are a faculty or staff member, there are resources to share with 1xbet online games login students in the classroom and beyond that can clarify questi. Encourage everyone who is eligible to 1xbet online games login to register.

If 1xbet online games login 're a student, faculty, staff, or anyone else — 1xbet online games login can stay up-to-date on K-State's voter registration work and get out the vote efforts by following the Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy on Twitter and Facebook, the home for 1xbet online games login 's All IN Campus Democracy Challenge team. ICDD's How to 1xbet online games log guide provides all the details that 1xbet online games login need to vote in this year's general election.

This election is shaping up to be critically important as our elected officials have to address several shared challenges we face in our communities, state, and country. Be involved. Don't be on the sidelines. History has its eyes on 1xbet online games login . #CatsVotePurple